One big complicated family

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Zayn wasn't sure if it was the resentment he had towards Liam at the moment that caused him to invite everyone to his parents house for a dinner. This included Geoff, and the Payne sisters. His mother and Karen had gotten back from their mini vacation which he called Trisha and asked to have dinner that they'll bring Ezra to meet everyone.

He knew he should've contacted Liam before but he just really didn't feel like talking to him, which was strange because that's all he ever wanted to do the past 3 years. Louis even asked him if Liam knew and Zayn simply stated no and shrugged ordering his food at the restaurant the pair went to after his session.

Louis wasn't quite sure what ti make of them. One second they were good and the next they weren't. It was obvious today that they weren't so Louis tried rolling with it even though he didn't know what had happened so he just shrugged too.

Later that evening after the train ride back, Niall, Liam, and Ezra entered the home where they were met with Louis, Freddie, and Zayn. Ezra gasped as he saw Freddie and fist bumped him saying hi to Louis and Zayn. The two other men were confused because it looked like Zayn and Louis were headed out somewhere.

"Hey Zee, Lou, Fred... Where are you three going?" Liam asked.

"Oh we're all going to auntie Trish's, and uncle Yasers for dinner. Everyone's going to be there. Ooo! Also you get to meet Ashton. He's cool! Uncle G, and Auntie K will be there as well as Auntie Ruth, and Nicola. Uncle Zayns sisters too! There's Don, Wal, and Saf... I have a lot of aunties basically." Freddie admitted. Thankfully he and Ezra started their own conversation because Liam and Niall looked dumbfounded to Zayn as Louis tried to shrink away.

"Dinner?" Niall questioned.

"Everyone?" Liam asked a little harsher than Niall's own tone.

"Yes everyone." Zayn cocked his brow as the air in the room shifted to a rather tense one. "We leave in five. The drivers will be here soon." Zayn said going up to the room as Liam followed closely behind whisper screaming his name.

"Zayn." No answer.

"Zayn." He tried again.

"Zee!" He said finally as they were in the room.

"What?" He whipped around.

"So you just organized a dinner all together without my knowledge? Zayn this is the first time everyone's going to be meeting him, don't you think that's a little bit much?" He scoffed as he stared in disbelief.

"Well we move in a week and it's better than everyone finding out when we leave. I at least want them to warm up to him before we go. I know you've been putting off talking to Geoff about it. Trust me, I get it, but the more we put this off, the harder it's going to be for all of us." He said with a straight face. Liam cursed himself under his breath because he knew his husband was right. He was really just delaying that conversation with his father.

"I- I-" he tried to speaking but couldn't even find words.

"The drivers are here." Zayn said looking to his phone then to Liam. He didn't even acknowledge that his husband was still trying to form his words as he brushed past him heading downstairs. Liam didn't understand it. One second they were okay, and then next well, he wasn't really sure what it was. Collecting his breath Liam walked downstairs ready to face the one person he truly didn't feel like speaking to. His father.

Zayn, Liam, and Ezra got into one SUV, as Niall, Louis, and Freddie got into the next. Zayn wasn't ever a fan of using his parents services like that, but Trisha insisted. She sent for them herself. Liam and Zayn hardly spoke to one another which Ezra found confusing but he just brushed it off. The other car was definitely rowdy.

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