Special Delivery

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Alright so let's just clear something up because I have done the research and I'm pretty sure this makes sense. The baby is biologically Zayns, but the egg used for the gestational surrogacy is from Liam's sisters. I really just didn't feel like writing out that convo and process. So this means the surrogate mother (Charmaine) isn't genetically linked to the baby.

The past few days Zayn had caught on to Liam's pull away from him. How couldn't he? They practically started out that way. The closest Liam even came to physical contact with him was a kiss on the cheek when he would leave in the morning.

He sort of shrugged it off as him still being upset about the whole Kj thing, but he wasn't sure why. They had both come to terms about it so maybe it was the stress of the agency too. He was adamant on overseeing everything about it, maybe he was just overworking himself. He tended to do that at times.

It was the evening of August 3rd. It was about 7 PM and Zayn had just placed the last dish from dinner neatly in the dishwasher. He dried his hands on the rag hanging in the handle when Charmaine came into view clutching at her stomach, a pained look in her eyes. Without even asking he knew.

"Is it time?" He softly questioned. He didn't want her to panic, but deep down he was getting frantic.

"I think so." She nodded.

"I'll go get Liam and tell Niall. Here sit."He guided her to a more comfy couch rather than one of the barstools. Once she was sat he went down the hall to Niall's room to give him the rundown.

What he and Liam agreed on was not having Ezra there the whole time. From what they've heard and have been studying sometimes labor takes average 12-24 hours. That was far too long to have any child up at the hospital waiting.

For the time being only they would be at the hospital then when she was actually going into labor was when they would call and let the boys know. Besides their family of course, they were already being informed due to the distance.

On the way to the hospital Zayn had called up his own family then the in laws. They were all ecstatic with joy and immediately packed up their belongings for the weeks long visit. Of course you couldn't just come see a newborn for a mere few days.

After those calls next up was Louis and Harry. At first he contemplated on notifying them right then and there or if he should wait till just before she actually went into labor. He knew both would probably drop everything to be there right that instant. Luckily he was able to keep them at bay for the time being, though both didn't get much sleep that night since they anticipated the call at any second.

Soon the car came to a gentle stop in front of the hospital as they rushed out to help their surrogate out. They led through the doors as they were flanked with security. Again, courtesy of Liam for safety precautions. Once she was checked in and ready they were escorted to the room they'd be in after all the labor.

Liam set the bags down on the counter and began removing the contents organizing them in a matter as Zayn stayed by Charmaine's side asking her if she was okay practically every minute. She chuckled as it did get her mind off the ever growing pain a bit. A couple hours on through the night her contractions became more insufferable until finally it was time.

Zayn called the boys right away before he and Liam were instructed to changed into the proper attire for being in the delivery room. From what he heard through the conversation with his eldest sister the whole family wasn't far behind either. Of course they immediately all took off once Zayn first informed them, so their flights would be landing any hour at that point.

After 13 long hours of labor, Aleena Jaide Malik-Payne made her debut in the world. Born August 4th, 2026 at approximately 9:04 AM. A 7 lb and 2 oz bundle of joy was placed into Zayns arms minutes after she was all cleaned up.

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