"Stop the tape, and rewind"

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2 years ago

After the wedding, and Zayn and Liam's honeymoon week, they planned a Christmas Day party there at the couples town home for Louis. It was a thanks for being in the wedding and to celebrate him passing his real estate exam.

Kendall had gone back to the US right after the wedding. Her and Harry had a huge conversation about their four year long "friendship." She ultimately decided that they wouldn't ever be a real item. Harry took it a little hard at first but she still remained his really good friend.

At Louis party Harry got super drunk and was taken care of by the birthday man himself. The other three boys were busy mingling with all the guests. It was surprising how many people came considering it was Christmas Day.

When he helped him upstairs to put the boy to bed Harry might've dropped a few comments here and there like, "The way your eyes change color in the light," or "I like your lips. Louis just assumed this was Harry's normal state in being drunk.

When they got to the bedroom he tucked the boy in and as he did so he was inches away from Harry's face. Harry who was finding everything Louis did for him cute at the time just smashed his lips to the older boys.

Louis was shocked and pulled away instantly. "You're drunk Harry." He stated calmly. He's dealt with tons of people like that since being a bartender so it wasn't anything new.

"So you are too." Harry said hiccuping.

"Yeah but I know how to hold my own with alcohol. You don't."

"Can you hold me then?" Harry smirked as his dimple showed.

"Harry go to bed." Louis laughed slightly as he stood up to leave.

"But I likeded you or like or still do..." he dragged out.

"We'll talk when you're sober Harry. I uh- I like you too." He smiled and shut the light off as he walked out the room.

A few days later was New Years and Liam's old university friend had invited him to his penthouse in downtown London. They brought Louis, Harry, and Niall. Freddie was with Lottie, Louis 20 year old younger sister at that time. Since Louis always tried to provide for her she told him to go have a night to himself.

As the party went on Harry was avoiding Louis the whole time. He remembered one thing only about that night and it was when he told Louis he liked him. He also remembered Louis saying he liked him back but he swore his mind played tricks on him.

Later through the night Zayn and Liam tricked Harry into going outside on the terrace. He turned to see Louis leaned on the railing looking out onto the London harbor.

He cautiously made his way over to him and took his place right next to him. "Hi..." he said.

"Hey. What's up?" Louis asked as he took a drink.

"Nothing much." He smiled awkwardly.

"We gonna talk about Christmas?"

"Uh- y-yeah. I don't know what all I said but I just want to apologize for it. So embarrassing."

"So you don't remember when I said I liked you too?" Louis turned to a stunned Harry.

"I-I just uh- thought the alcohol was playing tricks." Harry said wide eyed

"Nope. No tricks Harry." Louis nodded slowly.

Neither knows who leaned in first but somehow they ended up in a heated make out session on the rail. It was perfect because the countdown had just started and the fireworks erupted after.

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