The announcement part 3?

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"To LA!" Trisha said being the first one to respond to the news.

"Yes mum." Zayn nodded slowly.

Karen took a big gulp of her wine. "Why uh- Why so far?"

"Yeah... I thought maybe like moving to a different neighborhood, but LA Zayn?" Yaser was wide eyed.

"I know baba, I know uh Liam will explain." Zayn couldn't make eye contact with his fathers gaze. It was way too intimidating so he swat Liam to continue.

"Gee thanks." Liam narrows his eyes as he turned to the man. "Yes LA sir. I would like to expand the agency abroad." He said to his father in law and faced his dad to get his reaction. Niall, Louis, Doniya, Nicola, and Ruth all looked to each other with side glances. Everyone was waiting for his opinion.

"Wouldn't New York be the ideal spot to expand?" Geoff said calmly genuinely curious.

"Well yes ideally, but I think LA has a decent modeling industry that we could elevate to a real high end level. I know you're not a fan of it over there because of the fast fashion, influencers, and actors, but I think it's a nice strategy." Liam nodded firmly not dropping his face as he spoke to his father.

"Interesting... sounds like a challenge, but if you think so then okay." Geoff raised his brow, and shrugged his shoulders taking a sip of his drink. Everyone was surprised. In their minds it was going to either be the man telling him it wasn't a good idea, or suggesting the city on the east coast of America.

Karen looked to Geoff in surprise. She thought he'd have Liam's head by then. "Li honey, Zayn... are you sure about moving?" She asked concerned. The news was getting to her now and her faced went from her usually happy and cheerful one to a look of sadness.

"Yes Karen's right Zaynie, I mean there's earthquakes there all the time... hardly a place to start a family." Trisha said as Doniya groaned under her breath. Sometimes her mother said things that just gave her the ick. Yaser shot her glance.

"I think it's fantastic. It's a new and exciting start." The man shrugged. As Trisha have Karen a look like "what the?" Of course the mothers were opposed. This didn't surprise any of them.

Niall took in the scene and chimed in. "I agree. It seems like a nice fresh start. It's always sunny so maybe you'll finally get tan Liam." He said breaking the tense air with some laughter from everyone, even the boys mothers. Louis couldn't help it. He bit his lip trying not to laugh hysterically looking at Liam's reaction.

Zayn just giggled and started up, "I know mum, but we are moving..." he said biting his lip. We go next month to look at homes, and office spaces."

"Well at least I can go visit more often." Doniya lifted her glass and drank as Trisha sighed.

"Agreed." Nicola and Ruth looked to each other as they both said it in unison.

"Summers would be fun there! Especially with the kids." Nicola added.

Trisha sighed and looked across the table to Louis. "What about you Lou... you've been awfully quiet. It must be hurting to see your friends go." She said with a hint of triumph. Definitely Louis would be apposed to the idea.

"I'll actually be their realtor. I've already got homes lined up." Louis said as he pursed his lips together awkwardly. He felt the daggers of the woman's stare right on him followed by a glance from Karen.

"You knew and you didn't tell me?" Niall threw his hands up in a frustration.

Louis shot his hands up in defense as Niall tossed a piece of pita bread his way. "Hey! They told me not to tell."

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