Take Me Home

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The following day after a dinner with Niall, Louis, and Freddie, the now family of three, well four, welcomed Andy in who had boxes to haul. Liam assisted him fetching them from the trunk of Andy's vehicle, while Zayn and Ezra sorted through some. He was looking for his athletic equipment like his foldable net for a goal post. He was getting kind of tired of using the two patio chairs because it just wasn't the same.

After Andy and Liam placed all the boxes in the spare room that the boy had taken over, Liam offered Andy to stay for lunch. They'd be ordering pizza since it was Ezra's favorite and Liam just had to have him try his favorite place in London. The man more than gladly accepted because after that day he wouldn't see the Ezra for another few weeks.

After an early lunch, a little tearful, Ezra said goodbye to the man that he'd become real fond of in the last few weeks, and Andy took his leave back to Wolverhampton. A small piece of him tugged at the thought of his hometown. He wondered if he'd ever see it again. He knew Liam and Zayn were moving to LA and so would he, but the thought of leaving all of it behind was a bit overwhelming. His mother was buried there after all, which made him even more sad.

Instantly Liam looked to Ezra seeing his face go from the smile that he was now getting use to seeing, to a somber look where it appeared that the wondering eyes were clearly thinking about something. "Hey Ezra. Are you okay?

Quickly he replied, "Yes. It's nothing." He said shaking his head. Liam frowned because obviously he knew there was something on his mind. Zayn felt the same way, but still stayed quiet.

"Are you sure?" He asked kneeling beside him looking into his eyes. Ezra tugged at his lip in hesitation. It's not that he didn't trust Liam, it's just that he didn't want to seem like he wasn't okay with them moving and complaining about it. "You can tell me." Liams soft voice soothed.

He looked to Zayn for a second and was met with an approving nod. He then looked back to Liam and instantly felt comfortable seeing his sympathetic look. "I uhm- I don't want it to come off like I'm complaining though." He said sighing and looking down.

"Trust me it won't. Whatever you're feeling is valid to Zayn and I. What's going on?" He said softly again and man Ezra was thanking the Gods in his head because they were both just so nice. He was grateful for it.

He fidgeted with his fingers for a second then looked to his father, "I just... I'm going to miss her, a-and home, and friends, and stuff..." he said letting his shoulders drop. Liam looked to Zayn who frowned and came a little closer to them.

"Oh..." Liam nodded looking to his husband.

Ezra caught it and jumped a little hoping it didn't come off as rude. "I'm sorry. That probably sounded inconsiderate. I know we are moving." He said shaking his head. Liam and Zayn both shared a wavering look. You could tell both men felt no effect from the sentence, and neither took it offensively.

"Hey... you're okay Ezra. It wasn't inconsiderate. I know this is a lot at once." Liam tugged his bottom lip as well. "How about we take a trip Friday down there yeah? I know being cooped up in this house is a little boring." The brown haired man said reassuring him.

"No it's okay. W-we don't have to. I'm sorry I brought it up. You're both busy." He tried to shake it off.

"Ezra." Liam said in a soft serious manner. "Please don't ever feel like you or your feelings are a burden okay? Yes we have busy lives, but I'll always make the time." He said as Ezra smiled shyly grabbed his elbow. "We'll make it work." He patted his shoulder standing up to face Zayn.

His husband shared a small smile with him the ushered him to the kitchen. "Hey why don't you take this stuff up to your room and get out whatever you need for the next few weeks." Liam suggested as he nodded and took a box up with Loki following his every footstep. When he was upstairs he moved to the kitchen with Zayn. "What's up?"

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now