Christmas at the Malik-Paynes

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That night Zayn and Liam headed back home with Harry who was going to stay with them. Zayn insisted so he didn't have to be in a hotel all by himself. Liam was more than happy to host him but of course Liam kept messing with him the whole car ride.

That next morning Zayn and Liam got up and went to the living room before Harry woke to exchange their gifts. It was a cute, private moment, which soon got cut short with a tired looking Harry coming down the steps.

They husband duo made their way to the kitchen with a "Good morning." To Harry. The now international pop star yawned a "mornin" back due to the jet lag and followed them as he plopped down at the island.

"How's living out in LA Harold?" Liam curiously asked as he grabbed the few ingredients for french toast.

"It's okay. Different. Very sunny and warm." He shrugged. "You should really broaden your horizons... I swear thats all you make." He was use to being called by his real name from Liam, though now he didn't get as agitated about it.

"Hey it's a classic. Zayn likes it..." he squinted. "And you're in West Hollywood right?"

"Yeah." He thumbs upped the man as he rubbed his eyes again kinda confused at the subject change.

"I'll make you a coffee Haz." Zayn rubbed his back and hopped off the stool he sat on next to his friend, walking into the kitchen.

"And do you like it?" He said flipping the slice.

Harry grew weary of Liam asking the questions. He'd never asked him this many questions before. "It okay I guess. I mean it's WeHo so there's always something going on like parties and events." He said shrugging again.

"Oh interesting." Liam said nodding as he flipped the piece of toast. "How about Woodland Hills? That a nice area?"

"Uhh it's right next to Calabasas so it's a pretty good area I guess. Why?" He finally asked as Zayn set down his mug in front of him. Harry gave Zayn and questionable look as his friend shrugged.

"Just wondering." Liam smiled to him continuing with the food.


"Oh by the way Niall and Louis are on their way right now." Zayn smacked his lips together as he took his first sip of coffee.

"What?" Harry said fully awake now. When are th-" he started but was cut off by a knock at the front door. He looked in the direction of the door and narrowed his eyes to Zayn.

"Now..." he smiled nervously as he got up and went to the door.

Harry shook his head as he looked to Liam who tried not to laugh. "Why do you want to know about LA huh?" Harry whisper yelled to him looking back at the front door.

Liam dropped his shoulders. He thought he did a good job of trying to not get caught. "Don't say anything but I want to move us down there. With the baby and all I think it'd be fresh start. Plus I've been looking at offices for the company. I want to expand." He quickly said hearing the distant voices from the front.

Harry shot up. "No way! Well be closer aww." He still said whispering as he shot a cocky smile to Liam.

"Yeah yeah. It's for my family not you." He jokingly eye rolled. "Don't say anything Styles. I mean it." He moved back to the stove.

"Hey Harry Merry Christmas! How'd you sleep? What's up Liam Merry Christmas! Niall greeted them as he plopped down next to the boy. "So any new drama I gotta clean up?" He patted his back

"Ha ha..." he sarcastically said. "That was months ago..." harry sighed.

Niall shrugged in reference to the show Harry hosted and faced backlash from it. "American politics can be tricky."

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