Secrets unveiled

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Liam started bouncing his leg, having just found out that Andy, his so called friend, and his father knew about him having a kid. His jaw was tight and his foot was still going. It had been a minute since he said anything. Niall just stayed quiet.

"Yes they knew Liam. Andy knew years after because he had a run in after she left. That's when she hired him... he said that she went to the agency during winter break to tell you but she came across your father and she told him. She assumed you knew this whole time because you hadn't reached out so that's how she raised him. It was just her and him till now. You're his only immediate and close family. Of course you know if the DNA test is true or not." Niall said.

"And Andy didn't fucking think to tell me this! When did he get hired? Who would keep something that big from someone? He fucking went to my wedding and you mean to tell me this boys 10! He had to have known. Don't even get me fucking started on my father Ni." Liam huffed out as he stood up beginning to pace.

Niall flinched at his tone a bit. He'd probably act the same way so he didn't fault him for it. He knew this was all a bit much to be dealt after having a lovely week.

"He said that she asked him not to say anything... he can explain all of that better than I can and he will... tomorrow. He'll be at the agency with him in the morning. At first I thought he contacted me to try and threaten your career, but I've been spending all week over in Wolverhampton with him and Ezra, and I think he just wants what's best for him." Niall said with a tone of sadness. Honestly what he was saying was nothing but the truth, but he still felt guilty in a way.

"Wolverhampton!? He's been there for 10 years and the few people that knew only now want to do what's best? No that's fucking ridiculous. If my dad knew then why not tell me?"

"Liam I-I don't know. I just found this all out too and frankly I'm still trying to process it. I'm in charge of your and Zayns public personas and reputation so trust me I've been going insane too. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I've known since Monday, I just-" he sighed. "I didn't know what to think of it." Niall's shoulders slumped.

Liam realized his tone and the way he'd been speaking and he softened. He didn't want to be like how he use to and with all this hitting him at once it was slowly coming to surface. Lashing out, his harsh tone, and his anger getting the best of him... all of the things he left in the past when Zayn officially turned his world upside down.

"I-I'm sorry Ni. I-I didn't mean to get angry with you." He said taking a seat.

"It's okay Liam. You have every right to be this upset." Niall looked up to him reassuringly.

Liam took a second to collect himself and his breathing. His mind still full of questions racing around. "And he'll uh- be here tomorrow?" Liam asked very reluctant. Niall only nodded back. "We do it here then. Not at the agency."

"I tried telling him, but he didn't seem to wan-" Niall started but was abruptly cut off.

"No. If he wants to keep a secret this huge from me for years, then he's playing by my terms." Liam stated rather bitterly.

Niall knew it wasn't towards him but he still couldn't help but feel that way. He nodded his head in agreement. "I'll uhm let him know." He said pulling out his phone. After he typed quickly he rested his phone back down. "And uh- W-what about Zayn?"

"I'll tell him as soon as soon as I find out this boy is truly mine." Liam shrugged. He said it calmly but deep down he was flipping out. If he was talking this information a type of way, he could inky imagine what this would mean for Zayn. "He has a fitting tomorrow so he won't be here." He explained.

Niall slumped again because, this "fitting" was actually Zayns therapy session. He shook his head and figured now was the time. "Actually Liam... it's not a fitting. Please don't be upset but its a therapy session. Zayns been going to therapy." He said quickly.

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