"You and I plus Ezra, the baby, and Loki too"

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Tuesday came sooner than Ezra, Liam, and Zayn thought, which meant it was the day Andy talked to the boy to see how he felt about his choice. It was a day he'd been looking forward to over the past week. They grew on him. The way Ezra felt right at home with them was strange to him. He didn't question it, but it was crazy how a week altered his decision. At first he was honestly scared, but now he enjoyed the time they all spent together. It's not like he could go out.

Niall and Louis checked up on them constantly but both knew they needed time together. Freddie kept bugging Louis to take him to see Ezra, which, he then had to explain to him why they needed that time. Louis was still unsure of Andy's motives but Niall assured everything was fine. It didn't ease him, but he did back off just a smidge.

The mothers, however, were unsettled with the information they held. Karen even, like she said, went on a mini short vacation to Greece with Trisha. Zayns mother was just eager to tell
Yaser and the girls but she knew the couple had things to sort out first.

That afternoon Andy rang the doorbell of the townhome and was met with Liam. He had taken the day off specifically for this. They both embraced each other in a big friendly hug that felt just the same as it was back in university. To Andy he was surprised because he knew Liam was getting along with Ezra, but he had known Liam was also upset with him for keeping Ezra to himself for the greater part of the boys life. He shrugged and went with it deciding not to question things.

"Where is the little sport?" He said as he came into the home that was now partially baron. The wall spaces that previously dawns pictures of the couple and family, were now on the floor folded up in bubble wrap. Mostly everything else was in the same spots.

"Oh, he and Zayn should be back any second. Zayn wanted boba and Ezra's never tried it." He smiled.

"They really hit it off didn't they? I mean, on phone you all seemed comfortable around each other." Andy asked.

"Yeah. I told you he'd come around." Liam said sitting on the couch. Andy followed and laughed half heartedly. He will admit, he was nervous at first, but now he wasn't really sure if he had to worry all that much. He felt a relief because he thought he'd have to get a caseworker involved. In fact, that was something that he was prepared to do. He wasn't quite sure how Liam would've reacted let alone Zayn. He's glad the thoughts were out of him because taking the boy who had lost everything already and putting him someplace he had absolutely nobody related to him was unsettling.

Andy then asked Liam things like how work was going, how the the move was coming along, and even about the baby just to pass time. Of course, Liam was happy to tell him, which he did, then asked Andy about his few days. It was a good conversation. Just like old times.

Soon Zayn and Ezra walked through the back door with boba drinks in their hands. It's not that they were surprised to see Andy, I mean they knew he was coming, but it was crazy because the week flew by. In fact, Zayn might have frowned a little when he realized what this meant. What if Ezra didn't like being there? He wondered. He knew they had a good time the past few days, and warmed up to each other, but it was still a possibility. Something Zayn was never too keen on... endless possibilities.

"Hey Andy." Zayn greeted and shut the door behind him as Ezra hugged the man's side who stood up to embrace him.

The boy did in fact miss the man. From that moment in the hospital on, he'd always have a special place in Ezra's life. He was the only adult there to console him when it all happened. He also gave him the answer he'd been wondering and dreaming about his whole life.

"Hi Andy." Ezra smiled sweetly up to the towering man.

"Hey Ez. How was your week? Did you enjoy it?" He said as Zayn fully came in with a small wave. He even caught a glimpse of the couple looking to one another with wandering eyes.

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