To come to terms

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Hours later Liam woke to his phone going off. It was Louis and Niall who were texting and asking if things had been okay since they hadn't heard from either of them yet. Zayns own phone let up with messages but it was in dnd. Liam texted back quickly and rested his head back down onto the pillow, lightly brushing Zayns cheek. The younger boy stirred but continued to snore.

Liam smiled at how peaceful his husband looked, then frowned seeing him still in his attire from that morning. He didn't want to wake him but he knew Zayn well enough to know that he'd probably wake up in a mood if he continued to sleep in that.

"Zayn." He said whispering his name nudging him softly. He received no response at all. His peaceful state not even bothered, and he knew the man was out.

He sighed and nudged him once more a little more heavily. "Zee." He said as Zayn stirred and opened his eyes sleepily looking at Liam still cloudy with his dream.

"Hmm?" He said with a blank face and a heavy grunt.

Liam couldn't help but chuckle. There was times waking Zayn up was a hassle, but he loved his not so morning self. "You went to sleep with your clothes on. Also it's almost 6 PM. We should have dinner."

"M'kay" Zayn said rubbing his eyes.

"I'm going to call Louis and Niall over. That okay with you?" Liam asked as he received a nod back then proceeded to grab his phone, shooting them a text.

The younger boy sat up and exhausted a breath of air. He still needed time to process just waking up. His and Liam's talk still was fresh in his mind as well. The older may have broken down again a couple of times. He promised Zayn to be more present in his thoughts emotionally because he knew the type of guy he was compared to Zayn.

The younger being more in touch and open about his feelings for things where as Liam pushed them aside or bottled them up. The fact that Zayn kept all of that from him, surprised him actually. The whole time they'd been married, he wasn't one to let things slide. If Liam said something that made him kinda iffy, he was real quick to say it.

"They'll be here in an hour. I got us pizza from Ciro's as well." Liam said kissing Zayns cheek.

He was still in a daze but melted into the kiss. Feeling Liam's presence next to his just comforted him. He knew his decision to leave for a few days wasn't the best idea, so he's glad Liam got to him before he did so.

"Want to change into something more relaxed babe?" He said getting up and moving to Zayns drawers. He nodded again as he sat up finally with another heavy sigh. It was like this when they got up on the weekends. Liam asking all the questions and Zayn only humming or nodding in response. He was definitely not a morning person, let alone getting up from sleep in general.

Zayn took the clothes Liam set out for him and changed into them. Much like Liam said, the two other boys arrived an hour later just right after the pizza had gotten there. They all greeted one another as a tensity set in the living room where they were. Neither Niall or Louis wanted to be the one to say "how did things go?"

"You can ask if we're good." Liam said taking a big bite from his slice. He honestly wasn't sure if he even believed himself. Sure they had talked things through, but would they really good? With their baby girl on the way, moving homes, getting accustomed to life elsewhere in a whole other continent, dealing with the craziness of LA, getting the agency up and running, helping Zayn through his sessions, and having a 10 year old boy who he didn't even know existed living with them... his tolerance would sure he tested.

He also sort of came to terms with the fact that the boy was his. Maybe it was just hope at that point, but he really wanted it to be true. The thought of missing his own sons life for the past 10 years was disappointing to him, even though it wasn't really his doing.

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