Hes just another kind of boy

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Yes I know... life has just been life'ing okay, and not in the best of ways. Here's a long update for you though! Don't hate me ;) <3

Andy's visit wasn't as stressful as one would've thought. Surprisingly it went smoothly. Niall, Harry, and Louis were utterly shocked when the next day both Liam and Zayn were non stop talking with one another. Andy even grew a bit curious, but ultimately brushed it off.

When having his check in with Ezra, the boy seemed as chipper as ever which he wasn't expecting. Even before they had left London he was concerned slightly, but now Andy wasn't so sure what to even believe. On one hand the media had made it seem as if they were perfect, but when it was announced about Ezra, it was like the public turned on Zayn which I turned caused Andy to get worried a smidge. Now that he was there in on the flesh, nothing seemed off.

When Andy left it felt like a relief to the three friends. They weren't as on edge since Liam and Zayn had seemed like they worked things out while they were left alone that day. Louis was shocked when he showed up the next morning to scoop up his son, and the couple was in the kitchen talking normally, heck even being more intimate than the had been the whole time they'd been in LA.

Niall caught Louis up to speed as to his and Harry's little plan the night before. As genius as it was, Louis didn't want to give Harry that small victory, but he was thankful for it. Seeing them just even be near each other felt like a big sigh of relief.

Monday came and that meant back to the swing of things at the Ziam household. Liam got up first and headed out just before Louis got there to drop off Freddie for the day. Much like Zayn, Freddie wasn't a morning person so he made his way up the stairs and fell back asleep, while Ezra being like Liam, was a morning person. He was outside already practicing footwork.

Everyone else fell back into their own as well. Louis said his goodbye then headed to the office. Niall came out of his room shortly after and started to get ready for his day. Harry's schedule was probably more jam packed than anyone else. His was constantly moving with one thing after another. It was intense at first but he got use to it.

Zayn made breakfast for him and the boys, as well as serving Loki. On his way Niall grabbed a bagel with cream cheese, saying bye to Zayn and yelling at Ezra through the open back door. With a wave the boy continued to do his drills as the raven haired man finished in the kitchen.

After breakfast Zayn had a meeting with the event planner for the babies shower. He also had a FaceTime call with their surrogate asking if she wanted to be there. He reassured she didn't have to if she didn't want to in which she respectfully declined.

He understood. It was a bit much to be as involved and living with them, let alone them being a famous couple with practically no privacy. With that settled now he could finally decide on a date since now he didn't have to wait till Charmaine came down to have the event.

Around noon the boys were already tired of running around with him so he promised them to stop somewhere so they could grab a snack. After that he took them to one of the malls since Freddie had been begging to get out and about.

Ezra understood why he, his father, and Zayn hadn't gone out much. He didn't mind it. Since Zayn and Liam gave him that talk, he didn't dare question it, plus the interaction he had going into the restaurant that first week was all the confirmation he needed. He knew they both just wanted to protect him.

At the mall it wasn't as crazy as any of them expected. Perhaps it was because they were in Calabasas where seeing a celebrity was like seeing a Tesla model roaming the streets. They were everywhere. It was nice to get out and run normal errands for a change.

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