Niallers dilema

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Niall was currently in his office Tuesday morning. He was currently looking through some analytics and data from a couple of his clients when he received a page from the front desk receptionist.

"Mr. Horan there's a call on the line for you." His phone speaker sounded.

He reached over and tapped the button on the telephone in the corner of his desk. "Okay thank you!" he said then pushed the button that blinked. "This is Niall Horan."

"Hello this is Andy Samuels I'm one of Liam's friends. I met you at the wedding..." a deep and smooth voice stated on the other line. Niall looked up trying to remember and quickly he placed it.

"Ah yes the one from university right? How are you and how may I help you?" Niall nodded in question and crossed his arms as the phone was out on speaker.

Andy on his side looked back into the room seeing the boy looking at the picture. Ezra didn't notice him as he stared hardly at the picture of Liam and Sophia. He frowned because he figured all this was a bit much for him so he poked his head back out and softly shut the door.

"Liam introduced you as his manager so I figured before I have to contact him, you'd be the next person to know." He sighed.

Niall face shifted to a look of wonder. He knew everything about him so what could this distant friend have to say. "Okay... uhm sure! What is it?"

"Liam has a son he doesn't know about. He's 10 now." He said as if it was the most normal thing. In his line of work sometimes you become void to news that drastic so it wasn't hard for him to say.

As the words processed in his mind Niall grew confused. He picked up the phone taking it off of speaker and holding it close to his ear. "I'm sorry, Andy but I'm not sur-" he started but was interrupted.

"I know that's a pretty big statement but it's true. I have all the proof. To simply put it, the boys mother has passed away and she's all he had. She hired me years ago just as a precaution if something like this happened. I have all his documents, and files. If Liam doesn't take him in, the boy will be entered into adoption. I only came to you because I know you protect him when it comes to his public presence and if he doesn't I unfortunately will have to publicly release the information I have." He recited calm and collected.

Niall flinched at each sentence, especially when it came to the last one. This man who he met years ago at the wedding, was basically threatening him and his client who was now his own friend. He thought back a bit to what the man said about the supposed mother hiring him years ago. So he knew at the wedding... he knew and never told his "friend," Liam.

"I also have a DNA test ready to go just in case you or Liam doubt anything. If you could please tell him I would greatly appreciate it. I'll be in London Saturday with the boy. Well stop by the agency and go from there. Have a nice day Niall." The man said as he hung up.

Niall didn't even know how to process the phone call. Part of him believed it just by the tone in the mans voice but also part of him thought this might just be a jab at Liam's career. He put the phone back in its place and paused.

His mind was going in circles and it felt like the room was closing in on him. This was a major accusation and what hurt him was how this news would affect the couple. It didn't just affect Liam at that point. It affected Zayn. He started pacing as the couples expecting daughter came into his thoughts so he rushed out to the outdoor part of the office space.

Liam and Zayn we're currently in LA. They would be house hunting tomorrow. Should he call them now? He thought, but then remembered the time zone. It was around 1 AM there and he knew Louis and Liam had a long day of office searching and they'd be doing the same that day.

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