The nightmare

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It was Friday May 1, 2026, Zayn and Liam had just left the babies check up appointment and headed out to the Payne's hanger. They were leaving to LA for the week to do some house and location hunting.

Louis was on the way there since he had just dropped off Freddie at Niall's for the week. The boy insisted on staying there because Niall had a cool gaming set up, and his aunt Lottie didn't. He arrived, parked, and brought his luggage where and attendant took it from him and he boarded the jet.

With getting up early for the appointment, Zayn was tired so he was already passed out when Louis walked up the steps and angered the jet. Liam waved to him and fist bumped his hand with his free arm since Zayn was on his other. Louis took his seat and soon they were off the tarmac.

Later that day they landed and decided to take the weekend to themselves. They started with heading to the suite after a long flight and talking a well deserved nap. Later on in the night they all headed out to dinner.

With the news surrounding them about having a baby, once the media got word of them being in the city, they were immediately targets to capture pictures of and get as much intel as possible. Everyone wanted to know what they were doing in the city.

The next day, the majority of it they all stayed in the suite since the jet lag and time difference had caught up to them. They even ordered room service for breakfast and lunch. Dinner hadn't come yet, but it was looking like room service would've been the answer.

Harry was super busy that weekend with shows and promised Zayn he'd see him Monday while Louis and Liam office hunt. Zayn didn't feel like looking at empty office spaces around the city so he opted out to spend time with Harry.

Zayn had refrained from posting about the gender announcement because he wanted to tell his best friend in person since he hadn't just yet. It had also been a few weeks since they announced it to everyone so he made everyone else promise not to say.

Sunday came and the couple and Louis headed out to brunch now that they felt well rested. Their Sunday was fairly laid back. Zayn begged to go see the Hollywood sign so they went there and took tons of pictures there and drove around the city getting familiar with the streets. They capped of their night with a trip to Santa Monica pier since Zayn loved it and it was Louis and Liam first time.

Monday morning Liam and Louis headed out to start their search for spaces. Liam carefully tried to exit the room not wanting to wake Zayn. He tip toed around and gave him kiss goodbye then exit the room to be met with Louis. All dressed for the day they exit the suite and embarked on their search.

Later that day Zayn met Harry at Nobu for lunch and it was like they hadn't seen each other in years. Zayn tackled Harry and almost pushed him over. "Woah Z!" Harry caught his footing and balanced

"Sorry sorry I just miss you ughhh." Zayn exaggerated

"I know you did, but hey you're here now! What are you doing here anyway?" Harry asked taking his seat trying to get it out of Zayn why he was there. He knew the reason he just wanted him to say it first.

Zayn perked up as he crossed his arms on the table. "Okay so... Liam and I have been talking and we think it would be a good idea to start somewhere fresh so we're moving out here!" He smiled brightly but it faltered as Harry just giggled. "Uhm Haz we're moving here... like here here." He said pointing down.

"Z I already knew." Harry shook his head as he laughed. He stared at Zayns frown and couldn't help but spit out his water as he took a sip.

"What do you mean you already knew?" Zayn sat back his arms crossed over his torso.

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