Grass might be greener

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The rest of the afternoon left Zayn up in the room as Niall went to a dealership and shopped for his own vehicle, Harry and Ezra played a game in the screening room, Freddie woke up from his quick nap and joined, Louis took a trip to the grocery store to fill his own fridge and pantry, while also ordering dinner, and Liam wasn't sure if he should go in his own room or not.

The only time Zayn came out was to get a water from the fridge. At that time Niall finally got back from his trip to the dealer where he recapped his visit with Liam at the counter. Zayn came down the steps and maneuvered around them to reach for the water and made his way back up. Niall shrugged as Liam sighed. He knew later that night he'd have to talk to Zayn. He couldn't stand not talking to him, but he knew part of it was lm his fault. He yearned to be in his presence but it was hard when Zayn isolated himself like that.

Dinner at Louis went by almost too easily. It was strange at how accustomed Zayn and Liam were to putting on a face and acting like everything's as okay, despite what was going on between them. It maybe even seemed like they did it before Ezra thought. He hadn't ever been around other friends and acquaintances other than Andy, Harry, Niall, Louis, and their families.

Louis invited some of the agents from the O-Group over without his knowledge, which ultimately led to an almost full sit down interview from Chrishell, Emma, Chelsea, and the others. Of course they were respectful about the what Zayn chose to say and what he didn't, so he didn't take offense to it, but it still just felt like he had to Liam didn't have a problem with it as much. He knew sooner or later they'd have an interview, or an event where reporters would be asking tons of questions so he saw it as preparation.

The ride home was fairly quiet. Freddie, who had originally tagged along with the couple and Ezra, had stayed at his new home with his father. This left Ezra alone in the back seat sitting in silence. He didn't have Freddie's phone to distract him from the adults un front of him, so he casually looked out the window then to the stereo back and forth.

At home it was the same thing. Silence. The only noise came from Loki who's paws kept patting on the wood floors because he was eager to see everyone again after the long evening they spent away. Niall and Harry stood in the kitchen quietly talking with one another, Ezra was watching TV in the living room Liam went outside grabbing a drink from Niall's stash, as Zayn retreated back upstairs.

Harry and Niall looked at Liam with concern as he grabbed his fourth one in the last half hour. "Don't worry. I'll buy you another case." Liam said but couldn't help the burp that came up from the amount of carbonation. He nodded at the two men and moved to the couch to pat Ezra's shoulder goodnight. With that he went out from the sliding door to the base of the pool, sitting down, and only putting his feet in. With a big gulp he downed half of it in seconds.

"I don't like this Ni." Harry breathed out whispering so Ezra didn't hear.

Niall shrugged. "Me either, but what can we do. Other than just be there for both of them."

"I mean I talked to Zayn about it more so than Liam. I kind of just listened to Liam's side, didn't really say much. I mean, both sides are valid, but I don't know." He defeated. "There's more at stake now. I mean doesn't Andy come next week? What happens if he picks up that they're not okay. Do you think he'd take him back? Also, their surrogate moves in next month. What if they're still acting like this?"

Niall scoffed but even he wasn't as confident as he made it seem. "No. He can't. He's not a social worker. Liam already signed for custody so even if he tried it would be a process... Right? He thought. He'd gone over the papers a bit because he asked Liam for them, but he couldn't recall what all it specifically stated. "That's what I'm stressing about. It's only been two days here and I feel like it's been an eternity. I don't know. I guess we'll see how the rest of this week goes. Zayn has his session Friday, Liam meets with Romain, then Andy's visit the next week, and hopefully they just magically go back to normal." Niall smiled hesitantly.

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