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Liam re-read the text over and over again. He knew it was a possibility, but for it to be printed out in black and white, as clear as day, in front of him just seemed shocking. He was his and now he was fully responsible for him. A boy who's biologically his, but he who was also a complete stranger to him.

He looked up from the paper to see Andy expectantly waiting for an response from him. "H-He's mine." He said nodding slowly. The attorney nodded back as if he could say "I told you so." Liam folded the paper back up and took a seat, sinking into the luxuriously made office chair. His whole life flashed in his mind.

What little he remembered from the time that he met Sophia, to the last few parties they spent together, all the way to now had played in his head. The whole time Ezra grew up without him. Now here he was sitting outside his office door, already a decade old. How was he going to step up to being a father to him? He thought.

He was already on edge a few months ago because of the baby and imagining fathering the boy who's already lived through his early childhood years was nerve wracking. He's practically entering his preteen years, and only getting closer to the teen years. Heck, even Liam didn't feel like he was mature, not matter how much everyone said he was. Just two years ago he and Zayn were too dumb to admit to one another how they felt. At least with a newborn he had the chance to learn as he went.

"Do you want me to bring him in?" Andy asked with a heavily arched brow bringing Liam out of his deep thoughts.

"I uh- y-yeah... I guess I should uhm properly introduce myself." Liam said with a serious face. No smile, or gaze, just a blank stare.

The longtime friend got up from his place and walked towards the door. He opened it and inched out a bit facing in the direction of Ezra. He gestured his hand and waved him in, signaling for him to come in. Liam sat at his place not sure whether to get up, stay seated, or greet the boy at the door.

He was contemplating for a second as the boys figure popped in the doorway and immediately Liam shot up moving around his desk to stand in front of it. Ezra paused at the door looking to Andy for reassurance as the man nodded patting his shoulder as he passed.

The boys piercing eyes that resembled Sophia's looked right into Liam's as the older mans gaze followed. Step by step each of them met in the middle accompanied by Andy who cleared his throat when he realized neither would say the first word. Liam was trying to form his words as Ezra just stared up at him.

"Ahem, so uh- to formally introduce you two," the man said with a bit more pep to his voice trying to break the ice. "Ezra meet Liam. Liam, This is Ezra." He gestured to one another.

Liams hand shot out to shake, as Ezra just waved. Liam retracted his hand quickly but Ezra went to shake his hand as well. "Oh uh-" Liam said scratching his neck for a second then shooting his hand back out.

"Sorry uhm h-hi" The boy said grabbing his hand in a shake, feeling awfully embarrassed he didn't go for his hand in the first place.

"It's quite alright." Liam expressed as he cleared his throat. "Hi." He smiled as tight lipped.

After a few moments both realized they were still locked in the handshake and pulled their hands back. Andy intensely looked between the two and couldn't help but laugh to himself. He could only imagine how awkward both of them were feeling.

While they sat in a brief silence, the door to the office swung open revealing Niall, and Louis. "Has Andy come ye- Oh." Louis said stopping in his tracks seeing all three of them look to him. "I uh- thought he'd be little longer my bad."

"The receptionist said he had someone in and you ignored him." Niall said rolling his eyes and punching the bridge of his nose. "Hey Ezra. Hey Li." Niall said waving to the boy and his friend.

Keeping up with ZIAM (The Contract Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now