Chapter 4: It's the Same but Different

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I sat cross legged, back straight and my dark eyes glued to the boy who called himself Newt.

"So..what you saying is it's all the damn same?!?" I whispered in shock.

"Well, after your explanation, there seems to be some very major bloody difference."

"But it's the fuc-"

"Launguage Jessie!"

"-king same!" I finished, "it's the same!" I cried. Without breaking eye contact I pointed, wood building, we called it the Cabin, ours looked more sturdy, yours looks like the big bad wolf could blow it over. I pointed to the other corner, behind him, "big red barn, where our Ranch hands work with the animals, the next corner is the fields, produce is grown and harvested. Under us is the Forest, where we have our Night Walkers burried. We have a healers hut, we have Newbies sent every month, and supplies once a month."

"Yeah...there are differences...but your right, roughly the buggen' same." Newt frowned.

"Is she comitdown soon?"

Newt leaned over the edge and then glanced up at me and then raised an eyebrow.

"If they keep their hands to themselves."

Newt nodded, and then called down. He climbed down the ladder and looked up, waiting. Now that I had time to relax slightly catch my breath and let my wild adrenaline slow down I realized how rickety this thing was. I wrinkled my nose. I looked over my shoulder and saw the tree wasn't probably as tall as the second story window I jumped out of.

Why not a are them some more.

I walked to the edge and stepped off. There was a collective gasp a few shouts, I landed light as a cat on my feet knees bent, one hand on the ground for support and the other stretched out to the side for balance. I straightened up pulling two knives out of my holster when the guys started forward.

I held them up, ready to throw and fight if I needed. Newt came hurrying forwards, his hands out stretched.

"They mean no harm. Relax Jessie."

"I'll relax when I know what's going on, who they are, why I'm here, how I got here and why my life is a parallel universe!"

"She's trouble!" A tall huge blond said crossing his large arms and glaring at me.

"That's my middle name, Jackass."

His eyes widened in shock.

"Oh I'm sorry, only you're allowed to talk like that? Sorry, I missed orientation."

"Listen here you little -"

He stopped talking immediately when there was a sharp knife under his chin, forcing his head up.

"Talk to me like that again and you won't have a tongue to talk with." I hissed.

"Jessie!" Newt cried. He tried to grab me, but with our taking my eyes off the huge blond in front of me, I held my other knife out, pointing it at Newt, he scrambled to a stop, the knife point inches from his eyeball.

"No one talks to me like I'm a lesser being. No one touches me. At all. Ever. I'm not a fucken Newbie. I am an original in my Maze. I spent a month alone, now show some fucken respect! Am I clear?" I hissed.

The blond at knife point swallowed and growled. Newt held his hands up. I held my knives up a second longer.

"Tell them all to back off." I hissed.

"You heard her! Back to supper ya shanks!" The bald guy barked.

The crowd slowly disappeared. Only a few hung around. I slowly lowered my knives. My jaw was clenched and my dark eyes narrowed.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now