Chapter 25: Jackass

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I stood in the map room beside a very angry Minho, we were waiting for Ben to drag his hung over but into the room. I growled when he still wasn't here. Minho looked about the same. Ben had been getting bad, every Greenie fire he would go way to hard and then the next day he was miserable, slow and dangerous to have as a partner. I growled again, folding my arms, glaring at the door.

" be fair, you kicked the klunk outta him yesterday..." one of the runners ventured. 

"It's not like I broke anything. Gally, Minho, Stephen, Roger, Luke, Gerry and Will are all up and about." 

Minho nodded. His eyes were narrowed and he was glaring at the door too, his jaw clamped right, I saw the muscle twitching. I could feel the frustration radiating off him. He finally slammed a hand onto the table and shoved the door open. He looked around the Glade. Growled and then turned.

He paired everyone up, gave them a section and then as they started to get ready he turned to look at me. 

"I'm sorry Jess...I know you don't like him, and I hate to put this on you... But Kev is still new.. and you're the only one I trust to keep his ass moving. If he doesn't show up in 5 minutes...are you okay to go alone?" 

I nodded, "I'll keep him moving." I gave him a twisted smile and spun a knife. Minho returned the smirk, then it slid off.

"I don't like it... I think he needs another shucken stint in the slammer." 

"It's fine. I agree with my CO KEEPER. It's the right choice."  

He rolled his eyes. He never said it out loud, but everyone knew I was co Keeper of the Runners, I had proven I knew what I was doing, I knew the Maze better then any of them. Alby had shrugged and told us to figure it out. We had silently come to an agreement, once I had settled down a bit and stopped being reckless and realized I couldn't get back to my first maze. 

"I trust you, and I know you are more then capable. So...I'll see you at supper my Duchess." 

"If not, I'll save you a seat in hell." I smirked.

"As long as it's a throne."

"We'll see."

I gave him another twisted smile. He chuckled. It had been a thing we started when I first arrived and we kept it going. He put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me closer and quickly kissed my forehead. He then turned and led the rest of the runners out.

I stood leaning against the wood table in the middle, I kept my eyes glued to my watch. Ben had one more minute. The door finally opened. I threw a knife. It pinned his shirt to the door frame. He screamed.

I pushed off the table and walked towards him. I yanked the knife out, and shoved him back out the door.

"Turn your ass around. You're with me and you cut into your water break. Move." 

I shoved him again. He grumbled and groaned. We weren't even half way across the Glade yet. I rubbed my forehead. This was going to be a long day.

"I can throw you into the slammer?" 


"Then shut up and run Shuckface."  

It was a long morning. He was hardly jogging. He kept moaning about a headache and feeling like throwing up. I finally had enough. I stopped and turned around and shoved him into the wall. 

"Look here you moron! If you have such a bad headache, turn around and go back. I'm sick of listening to you. Go! No one is stopping you! You want to be babied? You're with the wrong running partner."

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now