Chapter 64: Jess & Tess

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"What the bloody hell's going on out there?" Newt cried.

We just crossed back into the Glade. Most of the Gladers were all standing in a clump around the South doors. His face was white, and his eyes never left Thomas's face. I leaned over to Minho and Teresa, whispering loud enough for Thomas to hear.

"Newtmis is SO gonna be a thing!"

Minho gasped and Teresa and I actually giggled.

"Shut up! You're annoying!" Thomas snapped, but his cheeks went pink.

"Sure, sure. But I'm so right!"

"Jessie shut.up." His face looked slightly panicked. I just smirked.

"What'd you do now, Thomas?" Alby asked, sounding tired and exasperated. But, he stood straight and tall, his arms crossed.

"It sounded awful! It sounded like it was all collapsing!" Winston cried as he elbowed his way through the crowd. I tried to fend him off, but he wrapped me up in a hug.

"Winston I swear!" I cried, "the the fuck off me!" I finally managed to shove him off. He had a cheeky smile.

Minho leaned over, "I think he does that just to piss you off."

"No shuck!" I rolled my eyes, just as Chuck slammed into me and hugged me tight around the waist.

"Chuck!" I cried, my eyes flashed angrily trying to pry his vice grip off me. "For fuck sakes. Get a grip on your selves!"

"We just love you!" Chuck grinned up at me. I rolled my eyes.

"That. That is a huge mistake.!"

I finally got Chuck off me when there was a wild scream. The crowd went silent and parted. Every head twisted to see Gally storming through the parted crowd. Every Gladers eye followed him, some had mouths wide open some backed up and a few actually coward.

"Gally." I said, with a moc bow, "nice to see your ugly face around here again."

"What the hell you done now, Thomas?" He demanded. His eyes were wide and deranged. Spit flew from his mouth.

Teresa and I glanced at each other and we had a second silent conversation. We both slid a knife out and stepped up on either side of Thomas. My knuckles were white as I held the knife tight.

"We saw something, a new passage. It could be a way out!" Thomas answered, still very much out of breath, but he stood straight and tall his eyes narrowed at Gally. The crowd around them burst into a buzz.

Chuck looked back and forth between all of us, his big brown eyes wide in wonder, "Really? A way out?"

"Yes Chuck. We found two actually." Teresa smiled kindly at the boy.

"What?" Newt cried. "You better bloody explain right now!"

"Well we split into two groupd. Tess and Jason went to four, with one of those Griever cylinder things. Thomas, Jessie and I went to seven, we saw something I'd never seen before." Minho said seriously.

"I think it might be where the Grievers go during the day." Thomas said.

"I got my hand covered in griever goop!" Minho added scrunching his face and shivering.

"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa... You found the Grievers' home? And you want us to go in?" Chuck asked horror struck.

I slowly turned to him, still hesitant to take an eye off Gally. But I turned to look at him.

"Well, it was a better option than the one Teresa and Jason found in section four! And...their way in could be our way out!" I explained.

The Gladers all gasped.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now