Chapter 18: Nightmares

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I didn't move. I stayed pressed to Minho's chest with his arm protectively around my shoulders and the other one carefully cupped the back of my head. I stayed still and quiet in this hug. I couldn't remember the last time someone just hugged me. It was different.

The longer I stayed the more I could feel my heartbeat slow down, from the wild slamming in my chest to a slow steady rhythmic beat. My shoulders dropped slowly and my muscles lost the tension. My body was slowly exhaling the breath it had been holding for too long. My mind and body slowly, very slowly, realized that this situation, right now, was not a threatening situation. I wasn't in danger, right now, I was in a safe place.

I don't know how long we stood, he wasn't going to be the first to let go. I didn't want to either. I slowly let my eyes close. A very small thing, to close your eyes when you hug, but living in a constant high tension state of mind, I felt like it was a huge step. I felt maybe safe enough to close my eyes and just be. To close my eyes and trust I would be okay.

I felt his heartbeat, and the rise and fall of his breathing, the constant gentle pressure of his hands and the weight of his head resting on mine. I blame it on the changing and that I was still recovering, but a thought floated through my mind, a soft and sappy thought. One I would never have let myself think about before; his chest against mine, his heart was having a conversation with mine.

I felt the effects of the changing now that I wasn't in the fight or flight mode, my body started to shiver, feeling the feverish exhaustion. The aches and pains came back and my legs felt weak and about to give out. Minho must have felt the shift in me. He tried to guide me back to the bed but I shook my head.

"You need to rest. I know you're a Savage Beast, but even the wilf needs sleep."

"Not here." I said quietly, struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Your own bed?"


"I'm going to pick you up. You won't make down the stairs."

I appreciated the warning that he was going to pick me up. I let a small gasp of pain out, the stitches in my side pulled. Minho gingerly held me closer to his broad chest, his strong arms holding me securely. I was by no means small, average height with lots of muscle, yet he had no issues picking me up. Laying my head down on his shoulder, my face hesitated pressed into his neck. I closed my exhausted eyes.

"You'll let me take care of you? No fight."

"No promises." I said weakly, sleep already trying to take over.

He huffed a small laugh and opened the door and started down the hall. Newt was leaning against the wall his arms crossed and a frown on his face as he stared moodily at the ground. Winston sat on the top step chewing his thumbnail. Newt looked up shocked to see Minho carrying me down the hall with a smile, when we probably looked ready to kill each other when I threw him from the room.

"What the bloody hell?"

"What's going on?" Winston asked as Minho passed them and started down the homestead stairs.

"She needs sleep."

"That's what the med-"

"In her own bed." He cut Winston's protest off.

"Clearly you two figured out your buggen' problem?"

The guys followed us down the stairs the thumping of the feet and their loud voices made me wince, my head was pounding again. I clenched my jaw, I didn't want to show them any more pain, any more weakness, but Minho must have heard the quiet whimper. I felt his arms tighten.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now