Chapter 5: Mansplaining

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I snuck across the roof , in the moonlight. My feet didn't make a noise, I was light as a cat and quick as a shadow. I had to get in and get out. I knew all the exits and where the guards were stationed. I also knew where the cameras were. I had 5 minutes to get the job done before the camera feed switched.

I got to the edge of the roof and crouched down. Listening for the sound of boots. I was told that someone on the inside would unlatch the window. I heard the snatch latch unlock. I waited another few seconds and then lowered myself down onto the window ledge. I crouched in the shadows, waiting for the man in the business suit to sit back down at his desk. I slowly opened the window just enough for thin body to slip through. I stepped light at a cat, and slunk into the long curtain. The man leaned back into the chair. With a groan he tipped his head back, I slid my garrote that I had around my wrist, looking like a coiled bracelet. In a fluid motion I stepped out of the shadow, wrapped the thin iron cord around the mans tipped back head and pulled. 

The man's eyes flare with panic, his hands went to the cord around his neck, trying to claw at it. I pulled tighter, with a small grunt. His body started to shake, his face went red and his started to bulge. I looked away and pulled tighter. I never looked at my targets. I didn't want to see their faces in my dreams. I felt his body spasms slow down, the chocking noise sputtered to a stop. His hands fell limply into his lap, his eyes rolled into his head. I felt the last breath leave his body and he was still. I held on for another few seconds and then slowly unwound my garrote, I wiped the blood off, wrapped it back around my wrist and then slipped back out the window. I pulled my self back up onto the roof. Quiet as a cat I slunk back into the shadows. 


I woke with a start covered in sweat and breathing hard. I felt the tears sting my eyes. Sitting up I tried to get that memory out of my head. I knew it was a memory. I saw it during my changing from last year. Most of my memories were of me sneaking through the shadows killing someone, and a voice, "my handler" giving me instructions or handing out punishments if I didn't do it right. I held my head in my hands for a second, trying to steady my breathing, and slow my racing heart. 

Killers don't cry. Monsters don't panic. Assassins don't have anxiety. 

Clamping my eyes closed for a brief moment, running my hand through my hair I sat up with a growl. I shoved all my useless emotions back inside. Time to get some food and get the heck out of here. seems like this Maze is all sunshine and rainbows. No Griever attacks, no random weather shifts, it's always the perfect sunny warm weather...these boys also seem to have electricity all the time. Ours cut out at 7pm.  These boys have it so easy here, no way they could hack it in my maze. Bunch of wussies. 

I got up and stretched, I swung my backpack over my shoulders and slid my knife into my holster and jumped off the Tree fort. I slowly made my way towards the bathrooms, I needed to wash my face and change. And the girls scoffed at me for keeping all my things with me, not that I was planning to leave one maze and rejoin another...but I was glad I kept everything with me. I slipped into one of the single stalls, locking the door behind me. They had showers with half decent running water, I stripped down as fast as I could, and jumped into the luck warm water. I washed to sweat and remainder of the blood off. They had shampoo in the stalls, so also washed my hair, it smelt clean, nothing fancy. But it felt better to be clean. With a sigh I turned the water off and dried myself off with one of the towels, pulling on my underwear and pants I wrapped my hair up for a minute. 

I stepped up to the mirror, it was dirty and cracked, but it would be alright. Pulling the towel off I tossed it aside, letting my long dark hair down. It had grown out in the last two and a half years I had been stuck in the Meadow. Sonya had trimmed it once, it was due for a trim again. My pale skin had a natural tan now, bringing out the freckles I had on my face. The weird thing that always intrigued me about my facial features, was my lips, they were full and had a natural redness to them, making it look like I had lipstick on. My red lips and raven black hair made my pale skin look unearthly. Cold and deadly. My dark grey blue eyes traveled over my body again. I saw all the scares I had got since coming to the Meadow. One the gash of my temple would add another one. Shacking my head I brushed my hair out. I was just pulling my black eyeliner out of my bag when the door behind me opened. 

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now