Chapter 38: No Regrets

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🌶️Spicy Kissy Scene 🌶️

Only because I like you guys, there's another one. 


The next evening, the Gladers stood at the West doors, waiting. Alby had asked if I would help bring Ben out. Minho and I nodded at the baggers, who unlocked the door, and we jumped in. Ben turned towards us. He had gotten worse over the 24 hours he was in the Slammer. He was more animal than anything. As soon as we were in the cell he lunged for me with a snarl. I was expecting it. 

I ducked, and swept my leg out, tripping him. He landed on his stomach, his already bloody head smacked the ground. Before he could get up, Minho and I both jumped on top of him, pinning him down. I grabbed one arm, Minho grabbed the other one. We yanked them behind his head. While Minho held his wrists, all the muscles in his arms flexing and working to hold Ben. I tied them together as quickly as I could. 

Carefully we got up and yanked him to his knees. He struggled, but it was easier to control him when his arms were tied. Minho had one side and I had the other.

"Move." Minho barked. 

His smirk and playfulness was gone, it was replaced by the stone cold Keeper. I had the same cold look; jaw clamped, eyes narrowed and angry, every muscle tense and coiled for a fight. Right now was all business. We shoved Ben towards the Slammer door. 

"Minho! She's bad! She's bad! Don't listen to her! She kills for them! She's a murderer! Murderer! Murderer!" He screamed the last word. 

"Shut up." Minho barked, giving him another shove. The Baggers helped hull him from the Slammer. Minho and I got put and took Ben back. 

"Bring 'im out!" Yelled Alby.

Minho and I took hold of Ben and marched him towards the Group of Gladers. The Baggers flanked us, just in case, but with Minho and me holding Ben he had no where to go. Ben had stopped screaming at the moment, and walked quite calmly. Minho and my face was set into a hard impassive mask. We walked straight and heavy. Our eyes straight forwards. I had no feelings at the moment. Whether I was numb or just straight up uncaring I wasn't sure. But I just didn't feel anything right now. Maybe that was the Assassin training. Or maybe I was just that cruel, but I was indifferent. 

We marched Ben around the crowd of silent Gladers. The Keepers had formed a semi circle in front of the Gladers a few feet from the doors.  They stood stiff and uncomfortable, each holding a spear or sharpened stick. I had offered to do this myself, but they had insisted they do it as a group. It looked like some of them were going to pass out. But they all had set and determined faces. 

"Newt." Alby barked again. 

Alby held out his hand, Newt gave him a wood pole with leather at the end. Alby bent down and put it around his neck. I recognized it as a collar. While Alby was putting a collar around Ben's neck, Newt attached all the long metal poles together. And then he put the wood and metal attached. Minho let go of Ben and walked to the doors and threw Ben's Running backpack into the maze. 

"Ben of the Runners, you've been sentenced to Banishment for the attempted murder of Thomas the Greenie and Jessie Keeper of the Runners. The Keepers have voted and they have spoken. Your fate has been decided: Banishment. And their word ain't changing. You ain't coming back. Ever." 

He looked up from the boy on the ground, his face stone cold. His eyes not meeting anyone as they drifted over the tops of the Gladers heads. He did catch my eye. I gave a small nod of encouragement. I had also volunteered to do this part, but again he had sighed and said it was part of being a Leader, doing the hard stuff.  My respect for him went up slightly. He inclined his head ever so slightly. 

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