Chapter 34: Two Broken Shuckfaces

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I woke up with a groan. My shoulder was sore, I had slept on it. I rolled onto my back and stretched. My head felt better after sleeping again. Looking out the window I guessed it was mid afternoon. My stomach rumbled, I slept through lunch. I slowly sat up. I decided it was time for a good long shower. Get some warm water before the guys took it all. Grabbing some clean clothes and my actual shower stuff I went to open the door, but stopped, something was different. Frowning I looked up. And then I smiled. Minho did say he had to talk to Gally. I laughed to my self. Minho had installed a lock. 

Haha. Take that you jackasses! 

I chuckled to myself all the way to the shower. Standing in the warm water felt good on my head. I stood as long as I dared. Washing my hair and body, and ran a razer over myself. I had to slow down and get dressed, my head was starting to spin. But I left so much better after I showered, and was dressed. 


I sat at the picnic table with the others, it felt like it had been a long time since I ate with a full table of guys. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like I kind of missed it? Even if I don't I becoming a people person? Eww! I shuddered at my own thought. Minho glanced at me when I did. I just kept eating. 

"So? Tommy, how was working with Winston?" Newt asked.

Unfortunately the Greenie had decided he was going to sit at the Keepers table. He was looking rather pale. And I smirked. 

"Don't think he could...hack it." I smirked. 

Winston snorted into his cup. Once he was done cough he gave me a high five, "Nice." 

Thomas shivered, "Don't think Slicer is for me. And I bet you couldn't so it!" 

The table went silent. He looked at the others slightly confused. 

"Oh honey...I finger paint in blood." I smiled sweetly. 

"It really does bring our your eyes." Minho piped up. 

"Speaking of, since Greenie here is a pansy baby when it comes to blood, JayJay you up for helping' tomorrow" 


"Good. Cuz this Greenie really did suck. Chopped one Chicken and he left his lunch all over the floor." 

"Noobies." I rolled my eyes.

"Guys come on!" Thomas pouted. 

"That's what she said." I said dryly.

That got the table snorting and giggling.

"You guys are so immature."

"Remember when you burnt the guys for having the name Track hoed and you were savage and out sassed Minho?" Winston asked between his giggles.

I smirked and looked over up at him. He was sitting across from me, I raised an eyebrow.

"Ya Min. You remember I out sassed you?" I placed my chin on my hand and grinned at him.

He held a fork and pointed it to me.

"You did not out sass me. I just let you win."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Honey." I batted my eyelashes.

"I know what could help me sleep at night." He smirked.

"Eww guys stop flirting. It's gross." Thomas groaned.

"Hey Greenie?" I called, still staring at Minho.

I heard him sigh heavily, "what?"

"Shut up."

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now