Chapter 20: The Bedroom

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🌶️🔥🔪Spicy Kissy Scene 🔪🔥🌶️

Minho hadn't let go of my wrist, he held it gently so he wouldn't aggravate the still healing cuts. His eyes stared directly into mine, I think my lungs forgot to work. I could see his jaw muscle twitch and the vein in his neck. 

"Yes, Jessie... I am worried about you." He said quietly.

"I'll always be okay." 

"You can take the mask off once in a while." 

"It's hard to do when I haven't been allowed to be weak." I whispered. I was surprised I said something like that, again the small pieces of my secrets slipping out, things he's smart enough to grasp onto.

"I know." He said even quieter, "But, tell  me anyways." 

"Tell you what? What do you want to know, Minho?"  He had gently pulled me even closer. I followed the pressure. His hand slowly slid around my waist. 

"Any of it. All of it. Even the little how was your day with Winston?" 

"It was fine. He pride." 

"About? The changing? Do I gotta talk to him about it?" 

"No. Not about that..." I looked away. I was quiet for a second, I looked back up at him through my lashes. "He asked about us. Wanted to know what was going on with us." 

I felt his chest rumble. "What did you tell him?" He asked. 

"The truth." 

He raised an eyebrow, "And that was?" 

"I don't know." I shrugged, looking back up he raised an eyebrow. I inhaled slowly and went on.

"I don't know what's going on... what's this?All I get me to talk. You get me to peek through my shields, you let me be vulnerable. Like now..." I admitted, my voice was quiet, and slightly shaky, but I was telling the truth. "I know you let me be me, you don't push too much. You let me cry without judgment...but..." I paused and closed my eyes, and took a hug deep breath, held it for a second, "You make me feel safe. 
Like I'm home when you have your arms around me..." 

"Jessie..." He murmured, he had let go of my hand and slid it onto my jaw, he raised my head. My eyes fluttered open. He was even closer to my, I could see the lighter brown flecks in his eyes. 

"I'm not saying it again." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I heard you the first time." He had lowered his head slightly, so now his nose touched mine. 

"Good." I whispered. 

He tilted my head back up and his lips brushed mine. Something exploded in my stomach. I gasped against his lips. I raised my arms and wrapped them around his shoulders, forcing the kiss to be deepen. His hand on my face slid into my hair, tangling his fingers into it. He tightened is grip around my waist. I tried pulling him closer, my hands slid up into his hair and pulled his head down. He growled a bit and I forced my tongue into his mouth. He growled some more, pulling me closer, pressing my body into his. 

He pulled me with him, walking us towards his bed, lowering us both down, all without breaking the kiss. He was laying on top, but propped up on an elbow. He only now pulled away.

"You'll tell me if it gets to be too much, like last time." 

I just nodded, breathing hard, "Yeah...I can always hold you at knife point." 

I had slid a hand up and under his pillow, grabbing his knife and bring it up. He smirked at me, his dark eyes went even darker, there was a wild intensity to them. I placed it under his chin, looking up at him through my eyelashes. I saw the muscle in his jaw tighten, and his chest rumbled. I bite my bottom lip. 

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now