Chapter 33: Crumbled Walls

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Minho roared like an angry lion. The hot tingling sensation died instantly. And it was replaced by white hot anger. I reached up and snatched the knife off the bedside table while Minho climbed off me and spun towards the door.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with everyone?!" Minho yelled. 

"I...I heard yelling...she was yelling stop....ummm..." stuttered Thomas. 

"You need to leave." I snarled. "I can't see straight so I have no problems if this hits you!"

He spun around and fled as I threw the knife. It sunk into the door frame. Minho was standing with his chest heaving and his hands clenched in fists, every muscle was coiled. 

"I'm going to kill him." 

"I've been saying that for the last two days, glad you agree..." Then muttered to myself, "only after you've been cock blocked." 

Minho slowly turned towards me, he had lost some of the anger. He looked back at the knife in the door. 

"Are you serious when you said you can't see straight?" 

"No. I'm dizzy, but I can still hit a bullseye." I shrugged, then winced, the stitches pulled., "Shucken stitches." 

Minho sunk down onto the bed beside me. His head in his hands with a frustrated growl. 

"This never used to be an issue." He grumbled. 

"'s 'cause I'm the only girl. And their all teenage boys. Know how many boys I've had to literally fight off when I'm in the shucken shower?" 

"Is that why Winston or Newt are standing outside the door?" 


"Why don't you ask me?" 

I raised an eyebrow, "Do you think you could handle that?"

"Handle what..?" He asked innocently, a sly smirk appeared on his face. 

"And that's why I ask Newt or Winston." I rolled my eyes. 

Once we were both dressed we made our way slowly to the Fry's kitchen, it was already past breakfast, but because I was on bed rest I was the exception. The sun was bright and hurt my head, I had to squint. I pulled the hood of my sweater up so it shaded my face. Walking was okay, unless I had to walk down hill or stairs. My world would spin randomly, but the sickening throb wasn't as bad. I held food down. 

"It's nice to see you up and about, Jessie." 

"Thanks Fry." I gave him a small nod. 

"This your nurse maid?" 

I grinned as Minho sputtered, in mock shock. 

"Well considering he's got a day off and I can't remember the last time he had a day off...I'd say he's pretty whipped." Frypan chuckled as he handed me a plate of food.

I snorted, and turned slowly to look at Minho who was smirking and had his arms folded. His dark eyes sparkled with amusement. He looked at me and his smirk grew. 

"I don't mind." 

Frypan roared with laughter. I was glad my face was covered by the shadow of the hood, I felt my face heating up. Once he was back under control, he tried to talk.

"Man. Never did I see this comin' the Lady of the Night got the cold stone broody boy whipped like a little love sick puppy." 

"Never underestimate the power of seduction, Fry." I grinned, and winked, and walked away to go eat. Frypan howled with laughter again. Minho slid onto the bench in front of me. It was nice and quiet in the dinning area, everyone was off working. The constant banging if hammers was hurting my head, but it was manageable. I heard footsteps behind me. 

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now