Chapter 6: Griever

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"What?" Minho asked, he looked confused. 

I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Zip it Sparky." I hissed, "There's a Griever near by." 

His eyes went huge. I could see the fear and panic bubble to the surface in his eyes. I was angry and frustrated. I felt nothing for these guys, I had met them yesterday. But I also had this weird protectiveness all of a sudden. I growled slightly. I pressed my finger to my lips, my eyes flashed in a warning. 

"You listen to what I say." I hissed.


"No." I cut him off. "I've done this, you haven't. You will shut up and follow my instructions and you'll live. Do you understand." 

Ben nodded, I could see the pride in Minho, his stubbornness trying to take over. 

"Look, Listen to me and you live, be a stubborn ass you die. After this you can go back to being an arrogant puffed up peacock." 

"Are you always like this?" He snapped. 

"Yes. Now, you said they never pass the walls?" 

They both nodded.

"Good, this will be a piece of cake, unless he's brought friends." 

Their faces paled. 

"Oh lighten up. I hope your ready to run." I grabbed my bag, and took off down the hall, throwing it over my shoulders. The guys on my heels. I slowed down and stopped listening. Then took off down the opposite hall. 

"Where are you going? The Glade is that way!"  Minho whisper yelled. 

"Yeah straight into the Griever. You guys have halls that connect to other sections?"

I saw the understanding in his eyes. I nodded. We just need to get back through one of the other other doors. I heard the Griever's high pitched whirring and the slamming of its blade legs into the stone. 

"What the shuck is that?" Ben asked. 

"It's legs stabbing into the stone. Now less talking. More running. It's gaining." 

I put my head down and ran, my hair flying behind me. My lungs burnt, my legs were filling with the lactic acid and the sweat dripped down my neck and back. 

I hated that those stupid machines could gain on us. No matter how fast I ran they always gained. We took another turn when I heard the animal mechanical scream. We we half way down the corner when I glanced over my shoulder.


 The stupid thing rounded the corner. Both boys looked over their shoulders and they just about tripped. This was obviously their first time fully seeing the monsters. I had to grab Ben and shove him forwards. Minho's face was white as a ghost. We ran, well, I shoved the guys forwards, towards the next intersection. These guys were never going to make it, their fear was slowing them down. I knew I had to lead it away. The Griever was hot on our heels. 

"Go. Back to the glade. See ya later." I screamed at Minho, I pulled my long knife free and another smaller one.

"What are you-"

"Giving you time. Now GO!" I screamed, I leapt for the wall in front of me. I pushed off the wall and twisted in the air. The Griever tried snapping at me. I slashed down, it screamed at me. I had to tuck my body and roll. I came up running back down the hall. The giant monster slammed into the wall. 

"Come on, come get you stupid hunk of junk!" I screamed. 

I saw Minho had stopped and turn towards me and the Griever. I took my smaller knife, bringing my arm back I sent it flying end over end and it slammed into the Grievers eye. It reared back and screamed in anger. It slammed down onto all its long sharp legs and gave chase. I spun around and ran. The Griever now had trouble seeing. It whipped it's head back and forth trying to shack my knife loose. But I had buried the knife up to the hilt. No way it was coming out. I skidded around another corner, I had to make it back to section 4. It was going to be a long run. 

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now