Chapter 32: I can't Lose You

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× 🌶A Fluffy Spicy Chapter🌶️×


I woke with a wild scream, my fists flying. 

"No!" I screamed, "Not him! Please!" 

Something grabbed my wrists. I managed to maneuver my way out of it, scrambling away. I tried to reach for a knife. But I couldn't find any. I panicked more.  


"No! Don't take him! Take me!" 

"Jessie! Wake up!"

I curled up in the corner, holding my head and rocked back and forth. I knew I was in bed, but my memories were now mixing with my nightmares. I couldn't sort out them out. 

The Handler took over my mind. My mission was the boy I loved. I didn't do it, I couldn't. So I had to sit and watch him be tortured by Grievers. And then it was my turn, but not Grievers, nothing so easy...They reset my mind. They tortured me, they took over my mind, slicing into my head. 

I let out a sob. My head was pounding, it felt like it was splitting open. They must have already reset it, trying to make me more compliant. I held my head in my hands. I felt movement beside me. I panicked and lashed out still thinking I was back in my memories. I couldn't shake it, I couldn't pull myself back.

I felt strong hands grab my arms holding me firmly despite how hard I fought. With a surge of power I pushed against the hands holding me, using the wall behind me to push off of. I made them fall back, and I rolled, breaking the hold I landed on my feet. My head throbbed while my world went sideways and my knees buckled.

Hands grabbed me again. This time the person was behind me, and wrapped their arms around me. I couldn't fit back. My head throbbed so bad I felt sick.

"Please! No! Please don't do it again! Please!" I cried.

"You're okay! Jessie, breathe. Just breathe!"

I recognized the voice.

"Open your eyes! Come back. It's okay. It's over. It's all over. You're safe Jessie. Wake up! Please Jessie!" The deep voice cracked, almost like it was going to start crying.

"Don't do it again! Please! I don't want to any more! It hurts!" I whimpered. My fighting wasn't as bad.

"Jessie, please wake up. Come back. Don't do this to me...wake up! Please...I love you! Stop fighting, just wake up. Came back.."

The deep voice was whispering quietly, their mouth right by my ear. I felt my body slowly rocking, arms tight around me. My head was pressed tight against someone's chest. I recognized the steady thump, and the smell of clean and spicy deodorant.

The deep quiet voice was quietly singing a song I recognize. I clamped my eyes closed. Trying to take deep breaths, but my chest hurt; like angry sharp claws had a hold of my lungs. Instead of focusing on my breathing, I started listening to the voice quietly singing.

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow. A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes. And when they open, the sun will rise. Here it's safe
and here it's warm..."

I had stopped fighting and I had melted into the chest of who was holding me. Minho was holding me.

"...Minho..." I whimpered.


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I cried quietly.

"It's okay. It's okay, your okay. Your safe."

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now