Chapter 71: Fights, Battles and Blood

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A Griever. Thomas said a Griever. A.. meaning one. I frowned, how could there only be one. Something was definitely off. I glanced at Teresa, she looked back at me with the same skeptical look.

"Well we knew we were going to have to fight. Bloody creators weren't going to let us waltz out of here!" Newt remarked.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I pulled an arrow out of my quiver. Teresa was already knocking her bow. I nodded once at her.

"Sisters?" I asked, and grasped the back of her neck as she let go of her bow with one hand and did the same to me. Pulling me closer she placed her forehead on mine.


We let go and in unison we spun around the corner raised our bows pulled the string back and released the arrows as the Griever hinged it's mouth open and screamed at us. The arrows slammed into the back of it's mouth and they burried half way in its mechanic brain. It sparked, a leg spazzed, the tail trashed. It collapsed and slid over the side of the edge and fell I to the darkness.

We nodded to each other and turned around. Every single Glader stood staring at us with mouth open, except a few, they had smug smirks.

"Well. I guess that's that settled that matter." Thomas said in awe.

"Did you underestimate our abilities?" I scoffed.

"Well, it's just still crazy that yo-"

There was a haunting moan and loud thuds of metal on stone.

"Oh come on!" I cried, turning around.

Over the sides of the drop off came more Grievers. Crawling up the sides like spiders. Once they clawed their way up, they let out a loud ear splitting scream. Thomas and Newt ushered everyone back around the corner. Minho grabbed my arm and Teresa's and pulled us with the rest back around the corner.

"There's more of those bloody things!" Newt cried.

"Yes." I rolled my eyes, "Clearly. Want a gold star for having eyes and stating the obvious?"

"Seriously Jess? The attitude is not helping!" Thomas whispered urgently.

"Sure it is."

Newt rounded on Minho, "this is your bloody fault!"

"How in the hell did you come up with that?" Minho gasped.

"You two are horrible influences on each other and she's gotten worse!"

"She's always been terrible!" Thomas grumbled.

"Fact. I have always been a Badass Queen."

"Yeas sister! Be the queen!" Winston catcalled.

I smirked. It was Minho's turn to round on me. "You trying to steal my throan and crown?"

"Pfft. Please I don't need to steal it when I already have my own thrown and I look better in a crown."

"Do not!"

"Oh Sweetie, bless your heart." I sighed softly, patting his chest.

"Enough you three!" Frypan scolded, trying to keep his smirk to himself.

"Yes. About those buggen' Grievers..." Newt said, casting a nervous eye at the corner.

"We gotta get past them."

"Good job Thomas. Brilliant plan. Get past them. Why didn't I think of that?" I paused and frowned, "though not your dumbest idea..."

"Why are you the way that you are?"

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now