Chapter 16: Forgotten Memories

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I was floating through space. I felt nothing. Didn't see anything, I couldn't hear or smell. I was just there. Drifting through space but also through nothing. And then everything slammed back into my body. And I felt. I felt everything.

The pain ripped through my body. It was so bad I threw my head back and screamed. My back arched as the deep aching pain tour through my body again. My blood felt like ice, slow and thick but my nerves were on fire. All my muscles and ligaments, all the fibers of my body were being ripped apart. I screamed in pain again as another wave hit me.

Then the memories came. Which ripped through my mind like a bullet.

She sat in a cold dark room. Her dark eyes flicked around at the other kids. Most were older, and they looked mean. She was definitely way younger then all of these kids. Apprehension made her tummy twist. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Maybe she could still chose the other option. A door creeked open and her name was called.

No, not her name. Her number. B-4. She followed the lady into a smaller room. Just a metal table and two chairs. The lady left and she waited alone. She was only 8.

She sat with her head down, hair falling around her face. It was wet with tears. She was only 9. Someone was pacing behind her she saw in the cold dark room. It had an odd red glow to it.

"Stop your crying. Killers don't cry." The voice snapped.


"I don't want excuses. You chose this path. I never forced your hand. It is too late to change your mind. The trials have already begun to prepare. You had your chance."

White hot burnt on her skin. She clamped her eyes shut, hissing in pain. She clenched her hands into fists, her nails dug into her skin. The searing burn died to a sting throb. They left their brand on her, they marked her.

She was now a graduate of the program. She was official. She had The Mark now. She belonged to them. There was no getting out now.

The screaming was coming from the girls own throat. The screaming was from pure raw pain. It started from her mind and radiated into her body. Every nerve in her body was being ripped apart and spliced back together. She tried to curl up on myself, but the cold metal bitting into her skin kept her strapped down.

Then from behind the child, a voice. It sent more fear through her then the pain. It read the words. And she cried harder.


"Red. Night Walker. Four."

"No!" She screamed, "Stop! Please, no!'

The voice kept reading, louder over the girls pleading to stop.

"Dashner. Two hundred fifty. Lost. Run. Wicked. Comply."

She had stopped struggling. She lay still, every single muscle coiled and tense, like a spring ready to explode. She was panting hard, the tears still wet on her face.


"I am ready to comply."

Her voice was flat, her eyes were blank. She looked straight ahead, her mind belonged the them now.


Her first target...she was 15. She was a child, but she was sent out alone, shrouded in black and shadow.

"Mission report."

"It is done."

"Well done B-4."

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now