Chapter 14: The Teddy Bear

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I sat in the shadows, alone, trying to figure out what was going on with me. My broken black numb heart my mind and my body screamed for different things.

Minho and I had fallen asleep on the roof top, he had held me close and we kissed. Thinking back to it made me blush and my stomach did this weird thing feeling like a twisting drop. I wasn't sure what happened, but happened and all of a sudden it was too much and I scrambled away from him. He didn't get mad, instead he gave me space and talked to me, talked me down, like he does with my nightmares. Slowly I came back and eventually lay down beside him. He didn't do anything else except hold my hand again, that's when I fell asleep.

It was still silent in the Glade when I woke up. The remnants of the fire party still lay around. Minho was still asleep when I got up. I swung down from the roof and landed like a cat. I had gone to change and grab my bag for running. Now I sat in the quiet shadow waiting for coffee.

I couldn't get my mind and heart and body to cooperate. Part screamed at me to stay, to throw caution to the wind and trust him completely, to let him in, let him see the mess inside. Part of me screamed no way in shuck, and to fortify the cracks in my walls, throw up some more defences. And another says run. Just run and never stop running. I had started to slowly leave my bag when I went places, in the Glade I had started leaving it in my room- I never did that in my first maze.

Frypan came over and brought me a big cup of coffee and breakfast. He had started bringing me breakfast, not sure why, but it ment not getting up from my shadow.

"That was some show you put on last night." He chuckled placing the coffee down.

I just shrugged, like it was no big deal.

"Don't know what Minho did to piss you off, but the tension between you was high."

I just hummed. I wrapped my cold pale hands around the mug.

"Well glad ya didn't kill the shank."

"Yet. There's still time. Dug on the other hand..."

Frypan laughed and went back to the kitchen. I watched as a few more Keepers and Runners trickled in. I got up and got some more coffee and bring my dishes back when two people sandwiched me. I tensed and growled in warning.

Winston and Newt didn't do anything but grabbed breakfast and chuckle.

"Good morning Jessie." Newt said brightly.

"Always so bright and cheerful hey JayJay?" Winston smirked.

I scowled and growled again. I went back to my shadowy corner. The guys came along and sat down opposite me. Both looking glancing at me. I ignored them staring off and sipping coffee.

"So... about last night.." Winston started.

Newt hummed and added with a nod, "Quite the show -"

"The right amount of cocky attitude -"

"Showmanship -"


"Oh that tension!" Newt had a lopsided smirk

"Can't forget that sexual tension!" Winston looked at me with a smirk.

I just rolled my eyes. Here we go. Also why I kept everyone at a distance. I ignored them as best I could. The picnic area was filling up with guys now, most looked a little rough from last night.

"Where is Minho?" Winston asked, looking around.

I shrugged, "where I left him."

"You didn't kill him did you?" Alby frowned sitting down too.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now