Chapter 23: Fighting Ring

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× Think Natasha Romanoff: Black Widow badass fighting style in this chapter ×

I watched Minho stumble into the fighting ring. He was gonna drop so fast. Winston and I rolled our eyes and followed. I had ignored the fighting Ring the last two fires just because I didn't want to draw more attention to myself. But I had watched it from afar. I knew the rules. Newt came over to stand with us.

"Is this a good idea?"

"Nope. But he's a big ass boy."  I shrugged.

Surprisingly even drunk Minho was a good fighter. His reflexes were surprisingly quick and his hits were accurate. Somehow he managed to win his first fight.

"Who's next?" He called, a smirk on his face. His unfocused eyes landed on me. And he pointed.

"You. Wanna fight me babe?" He yelled.

The crowd of Gladers started chanting. Or cat calling. I raised an eyebrow. These guys hadn't actually seen me fight. Throw knives...and run. A few have seen me climb. But never fight.

Why the hell not? 

"You want your shucken drunk ass handed to you?"

"On a shucken silver platter." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I unstrapped my knife garter belt and handed it to Winston.

"Keep these safe. They are my emotional support knife collection. If anything happens to them-"

"I know I know, you'll gut me and kill me." He rolled his eyes and waved a hand. I nodded, and stepped into the ring to wild shouts, whistles and whoops.

"Hey baby doll. Ready to fight?" Minho grinned.

"Oh sweetie. Bless your heart. You think you're going to win?" I smiled sweetly.

He sauntered up. Now that I watched him, he was pretty steady on his feet. He was toe to toe and looked down at me. Damn he's tall. And hot. Shuck he's so hot. I felt his breath fan my face. His eyes were clear and focused. I raised an eyebrow. He smirked. Something was off.

"I might lose, but then these shucken idiots will leave you alone...leave us alone." He smirked, "and then I'll have my room and you.. all to myself and then I can-"

He leaned in and whispered in my ear as he tried to wrap a hand around me. I knew he was going to try something. I grabbed his wrist, twisted my body, yanked his arm over my shoulder and made him tumble and land with a thud on the ground. The crowd went crazy.

"Don't even try that with me." I smirked. I stepped closer and leaned forward, my hands on my knees, and looked down at him.

"You do not have the female art of persuasion." I purred, "seduce and destroy."

He was quick. He spun on the ground knocking my feet from under me, I landed on my upper back but I didn't wait; I used the backwards moment and rolled and came up, in a stance that seemed to be a very comfortable, muscle memory. One leg crouched under me, the other straight out to the side, one hand supporting on the ground and the other hovering my thigh, where I would normally have my knives.

"Okay, not bad." I nodded, he had flipped himself up onto his feet. And was now dusting his hands off.

"Ya think so?"

"I think you should bring some friends into the ring with you."

He raised an eyebrow. I was suspecting he wasn't actually drunk now... I narrowed my eyes. When he was standing close to me and breathing in my face I could smell the drink...but not strongly, his eyes were focused and he was steady on his feet.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now