don't make a sound

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Taylor's POV

I hummed to myself as I took the browned cookies out of the oven, balancing the trays on some free counter space before I stuck in a new tray and nudged the oven closed with my hip. A huff escaped my lips as I looked around the messy kitchen and I realized I hadn't been cleaning up as I went like I usually did. It wasn't too bad, but I hated cleaning.

I glanced at the clock as I started filling the sink with hot soapy water, wondering why Travis wasn't home yet. He was cutting it close; he had an online interview soon about the upcoming season and was taking it in the studio him and I shared. It was a pretty important interview, and he was supposed to go on in half an hour. It was live too, so he couldn't be late.

Once I'd done the dishes and cleaned everything up from my baking mess, I took the last batch of cookies out of the oven and left them out to cool down. Frowning at the clock again, I reached for my phone, intending to call Travis and see where he was, but as soon as I touched my phone I heard the front door open and close.

"You're cutting it close!" I leaned forwards on the counter and smiling as my fiancé came down the hallway, his practice bag slung over his arm and a bundle of flowers in his arms. "What's this?" I laughed.

"I was driving home and saw someone selling them on the side of the road." Travis put his bag down on the kitchen island and handed me the bouquet of pink lilies; my favorite flowers. "Couldn't resist. I know how much you love them."

"Thank you." I smiled, leaning to smell the flowers. "But seriously, you're cutting it close. Why don't you go have a shower and I'll make you something quick to eat before your interview?"

"Okay, thanks baby." Travis kissed my cheek and rushed off. I bit down on a smile as I stroked a flower gently, watching him go. Count on him to almost be late to a live interview just to get me flowers.

Once I put the flowers into a vase on the table, I made Travis a sandwich and left it on the counter for him when he finished in the shower. Then I went up to the studio room, making sure everything was set up for him. He was a little useless with technology, so I had to check he'd done it right before he'd left for practice this morning. Of course, he hadn't, so I quickly adjusted it. Just as I finished, Travis came in, showered and changed. 

"Did I not do it right?" He groaned as he saw me bent over his computer.

"You did fine, I'm just touching it up." I lied, not wanting to tell him how much he sucked at figuring out technology. "You're all good to go now."

"Not quite." Travis murmured, grabbing me by the waist and tugging me against him. I laughed as he took my chin, tilting it up for a kiss. A sigh brushed past my lips as he kissed me slowly, making my head spin. When he finally pulled back, I blinked, swallowing as I tried to control myself. Travis just chuckled at me, tapping my nose as he moved off.

"No fair." I mumbled behind his back, and Travis winked at me as he sat down behind the desk. He was always working me up right before one of us had to be somewhere. "Wait." I laughed, leaning over the desk and rubbing the smudges of lipstick away from his mouth. "I can imagine the Swifties picking up on that." I giggled once I'd wiped it away. 

"They pick up on everything." Travis pointed out, and I nodded. 

"Okay, well good luck." I told him, and he smiled at me as I backed out of the room and closed the door so the cats or dogs wouldn't come in and interrupt him. 

I went down to the living room and switching the TV on, turning the volume down and flicking to the channel that was streaming Travis' interview. There was still a few minutes left before his segment, so I scrolled through my phone while I waited to see a text from Brittany waiting. I replied, and she texted back right away.

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