dirty little secret

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this is a collab with the incredible @thetorturedpoet_13 

TW: there's a little somnophilia in this chapter and it's a stepparent/stepchild thing so if either of these things bother you, we suggest you don't read it

Taylor's POV

"Seriously?" Abigail's voice echoed in my ear.

"Yup." I huffed. "She only told me this morning."

"But isn't he like...." My best friend paused. "Wait, walk me through the age gap again. I forgot how old you said he is."

"Travis is twenty-eight." I grumbled. "Mom is forty fucking five."

I still couldn't believe this shit was happening. I mean, I didn't mind when Mom had finally started dating again after divorcing my dad so many years ago, but I didn't think she'd go for someone closer to my age than hers. I was nine years younger than her boyfriend, and he was seventeen years younger than her. When Mom first told me and Austin that she had been seeing a guy a little younger than her, we'd both assumed no less than seven years younger, but then she'd introduced him to us. I had thought she was joking, but it was true.

My Mom was practically a cradle snatcher. They'd been dating for about a year, and this morning my Mom had broken the news that Travis was moving in with us. And that was the first moment I'd realized this was actually serious. I might be getting a stepdad who was closer to the age of being my brother than my father. They seemed happy enough, but it was weird.

I'd met Travis heaps over the last twelve months, and he was a nice enough guy. Tall, strong, handsome, you know, the usual. He'd really made an effort to get along with Austin and me, but my brother had been a lot more accepting than I had. I was a little wary, but only because for some twisted reason, I'd found myself ever so slightly attracted to him. Just a tiny bit, and only physically, but I was a little wary of the feeling so I'd kind of stayed away from him.

"Right." Abigail murmured. "Ew, does this mean you're going to hear them having sex?"

"Abs don't bring that up!" I groaned. "I didn't even think about that." My best friend giggled.

"My bad."

"Ugh." I leaned against the wall where I sat cross legged on my bed. "I just didn't think it would go on long enough for them to move in together you know."

"Yeah, I know babes." Abigail said sympathetically.

"Taylor!" I heard my mom's voice shouting at me from downstairs. "Travis is here, come down!"

I groaned and got off the bed hanging up the phone after biting her a quick goodbye. I threw a quick glance into the mirror to make sure i was representable, at least slightly. It was summer now so i wore a pair of lacy denim shorts and a crop, which i deemed appropriate to witness the visit or well now move of my mother boytoy.

I scooped my hair up in a messy ponytail while jogging down the stairs, almost falling over the last sight of stairs, caught by non-other than my stepfather in spe himself. What in the freaking Wattpad crap was going on?

I quickly scrambled back to my feet, trying my best to ignore the warm feeling that had taken over my whole body when I felt his arms wrap around me. Even if it was only to steady me that didn't mean it had any less of an impact on me.

"Taylor there you are, would you mind helping Travis put his stuff away everywhere he needs it? Like bathroom, washroom all that stuff and ofc our bedroom."

I internally cringed at her words. Their bedroom. It sounded so strange and I didn't know if i should be happy for her or just simply put outraged.

"Why can't you help him move, it's your bedroom and your boytoy" i snapped back a bit moodier than intended and i almost apologized but ended up sticking to what i just said. I was a teenager after all and if she forgot what that was like she could simply ask her boyfriend he should certainly still remember.

Taylor x Travis: In Every LifeWhere stories live. Discover now