Part 84

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One week later, Minjun convened a meeting in Black Moon Pack's hall.

Grandma, Minjun, Bora, Jihancheol , Junhao Meanie, Seokchan, Verkwan, Black Moon sub-leaders and their mates Respected elders are in now meeting hall.

Soonyoung, Jihoon, are in white moon after their graduation.

Minjun began, "I summoned you today to discuss our pack's future leadership. Initially, I planned to hold the ceremony after Minghao, Mingyu, and Seokmin's graduation. However, recent events have altered my perspective."

"I propose delaying the ceremony until Seungkwan, Hansol, and Chan graduate. This decision, made in consultation with our pack elders and Bin, will ensure a smoother transition."

The younger attendees nodded in unison, "Okay, Head Alpha. We respect your decision."

Once they departed, Minjun revealed his strategic thinking, leaving the remaining attendees astonished.

"Friends, our pack's prosperity relies on harmonious relationships and calculated growth. By waiting, we solidify our alliances and foster a stronger foundation for our future leaders."

The room filled with nods of approval and smiles.

Bora spoke up, "Your foresight is remarkable, Alpha. This decision will benefit our pack immensely."

Grandma added, "I'm proud of you, son. Your wisdom will guide our pack to greatness."

The meeting concluded with renewed optimism, as Black Moon Pack's leaders looked toward a brighter future.

"Hey, dear muffins! I'm truly sorry for my mistake. I don't feel deserving of your forgiveness because I overlooked a crucial part of the story - Joshua's acceptance of Seungcheol on his birthday. I'm deeply sorry for forgetting to write Joshua's birthday chapter, especially since he's a main character. Thank you, dear muffins, for remembering me and encouraging me to continue. Your support means everything!

Let's make up for the missed chapter. Here's Joshua's birthday story..."

December 29th

Seungcheol's excitement grew as Joshua's birthday dawned. Tomorrow, his beloved Omega would officially accept him with the Wolf God's blessings.

Black Moon Pack transformed into a dazzling spectacle, adorned with lights and flowers. White Moon Pack joined in the celebration.

At 12:00 PM, Seungcheol woke Joshua, dragging him to the garden area where Jeonghan awaited.

"Happy birthday, Joshua!" Seungcheol exclaimed.

"Happy birthday, evil brother!" Jeonghan added.

Joshua smiled, "Thank you, Alpha and Hannie."

Seungcheol kissed Joshua's forehead, and they shared a tender cake-cutting moment.

The next morning, Seungcheol took Joshua to their pack village, seeking quality time together.

"I want to make up for neglecting you during the rogue incidents," Seungcheol confessed Jeonghan.

Jeonghan understood, allowing Seungcheol to take Joshua alone.

Their day unfolded in the pack park, various scenic spots, and finally, a serene flower farm.

Joshua roamed the colorful blooms, enchanting Seungcheol.

"Do you like it?" Seungcheol asked.

"I love it, Alpha. Thank you for this beautiful day," Joshua replied.

Seungcheol smiled, watching Joshua pick a lilac flower.

"What will you do with it?" Seungcheol inquired.

"I'll ask the scent shop to create a fragrance from this flower," Joshua said.

Seungcheol hugged Joshua from behind, inhaling his sweet scent.

"I promise I won't use it; I'll keep it in our room," Joshua assured.

Seungcheol agreed, and they shared a tender kiss.

As the sun set, they returned to the palace for Joshua's birthday party.

Minjun and other pack leaders arrived, congratulating Joshua on his official acceptance as future Luna.

Joshua cut the cake, feeding Seungcheol first, amidst cheers and gift-giving.

At 9:00 PM, under the radiant moonlight, Joshua declared, "I, Hong Joshua, accept my fated mate, Alpha Choi Seungcheol. Wolf God, please bless us."

The Wolf God's blessings enveloped them as Seungcheol kissed Joshua's forehead.

"I love you. Happy birthday," Seungcheol whispered.

The trio – Seungcheol, Joshua, and Jeonghan – basked in the Wolf God's blessings and the pack's joy.

After the everyone going to sleep because of tiredness

Jeonghan in another room.

Seungcheol enveloped Joshua in a warm hug in their bedroom.

"Where's my gift?" Joshua asked.

"Today, I'll make love to you, not aggressively or orderly. Are you ready, Omega?" Seungcheol whispered.

Joshua blushed, and Seungcheol gently undressed him, their lips locking in a passionate kiss.

As they melted into each other, Joshua removed Seungcheol's shirt.

Seungcheol's hands roamed Joshua's body, setting his skin ablaze.

Softly laying Joshua on the bed, Seungcheol hovered over him, kissing the center of his chest.

Joshua's body submitted to his alpha's gentle touch.

Undressing fully, they basked in each other's naked beauty.

Seungcheol prepared Joshua with tender fingers and protection.

"Shua, mate, my omega, look at me. I'm going to enter you; this is your gift," Seungcheol whispered, sliding into Joshua.

"Happy birthday," he breathed, kissing Joshua's lips to ease any discomfort.

Joshua urged, "Faster, Alpha, please."

Seungcheol thrust harder, their love-filled union far from lust or dominance.

As Joshua neared climax, Seungcheol whispered, "Cum for me, Shua. Give your slick to Alpha."

Joshua obeyed, and Seungcheol pulled out, kissing his forehead.

"Let's clean up tomorrow. Please, just cuddle with me now," Joshua pleaded.

Seungcheol chuckled, embracing his omega tightly.

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