Imagine #53- Saying Goodbye Is The Easiest Part

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Connie's P.O.V.
"Matt you are late again!" I said clearly annoyed at him.

"Babe I'm sorry the meeting ran long and it was work stuff."

"Okay well, we lost our reservation at that restaurant and you said you would make sure you were there!"

"Why are you so obsessed with this dinner Con? It's not that big of a deal honestly we can go whenever!" He screamed back.

"Oh Mr.KnowItAll just thinks we can go whenever we please! The next reservation is in 8 months jackass. I asked you to do one simple thing with me because I barely see you anymore and of course that can't happen. You always touring and barely text me, I feel so alone sometimes!" I was done with the way he was treating me.

"You're such a bitch sometimes. You don't even support what I do!" He screamed.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! I stay here while you go tour and have girls throw themselves at you! How would you like it if all the boys were taking pictures with me and flirting and everything?"

"You know what Connie, this isn't the girl I met. Now you are selfish about me and such a fucking bitch about everything. I can't do this anymore with you, I need someone to trust me and give me time alone."

"You do realize you've been home for two weeks and this was the only thing I asked you to do. But go ahead and break-up with me. Now you have even more time to spend with your fiends that tour with you anyway."

"We are done Connie." With that Matt slammed the door behind him.

What the hell just happened? I lost my boyfriend of two years because he decided I wasn't worth it anymore.

I sank to the floor and cried my heart out. I went to my bedroom and cried even more. I took a shower and was still crying. I couldn't stop it was just so painful.

The whole week was awful. I was heartbroken and everything felt off.

I stayed in bed just sleeping and staring at the walls. Friends came over and helped sometimes.

Finally, my best friend, Georgia, convinced me to go to the mall and shop around. I took 100 dollars with me and she drove us there.

I got pretzel bites at the station and we looked around Forever 21, I got some shorts and a new shirt.

We tried on things at Charlotte Russe and I was finally starting to feel a little bit better. I wanted to go to H&M just to look at their outfits quickly.

I walked in and was actually smiling. Someone pointed and I saw it out of the corner of my eye.

I took the shirt and looked over, Matt was with Carter and the Jacks. My heart stopped and I dropped everything in my hands.

My bags spilt out and some of the shirts came off the hangers. I started cleaning up and felt tears forming.

I paid for two of the shirts, took my bags, and left.

Georgia followed behind me with one of the bags I dropped from Hollister that I got on the way to H&M.

I sat in the passenger seat and lost it again. Seeing him made my stomach turn, everything was so different without us dating.

I went home and asked Georgia to be alone. I sat on the couch crying and watching whatever was on.

It was 7:30 and I ordered from my favorite place Colony. I asked for delivery and they said it should be at my house around 8:20.

At 8:15, I heard the doorbell ring and I walked over wrapped in my blanket. I opened the door and Matt was standing there.

I was closing it but he was stronger than me. I walked away and sat back down on the couch.

"Connie I want to talk."

"What is there to talk about? You broke up with me because I don't support you and I explained how I had been feeling. I wanted to go to that restaurant and all you did was blow that off."

"Connie, I'm sorry for the way I was acting. But I was wrong, I was being unreasonable and all you wanted was this dinner."

"Why couldn't you get it the other day Matt?"

"I was being stupid and I was stressed. There is no excuse for how I treated you. Connie I don't want to stop this now. We had been together for about two years and I know how special you are. I made a mistake and we fought but I shouldn't have let that end us. I love you and my love for you is stronger than an conflict between us."

He ended and looked at the door.

"I guess I should go." He started walking and was almost out the door before I got up.

I closed the door and our lips collided.

He mumbled under his breath again"I love you."

I smiled and said "I love you too."

Matt and I spent the night together bonding and getting closer. We realized we took each other ft granted and started planning things during his breaks and while he was touring.

The break-up tested us but this make-up proved just how much better we are together. And I won't argue with that, ever.

I hope you enjoyed Connie! I really enjoyed writing it 😊! Please everyone comment and vote if you can, I love you all!

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now