Imagine #16- Ask Video Mishap

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Rosio's P.O.V.

Today my best friend Matt was coming over to do a YouTube video with me! I had been on YouTube for almost two and a half years and a ton of people were asking for an #AskRosio video. I decided to make it even better and asked everyone with a question to tweet #AskRosioandMatt . Tweets came in really fast and I knew both of us would have way too much fun with this. 

I had not seen him in about two weeks so I missed Matt a lot. I got set-up in my living room and made sure the lighting was just perfect. I put on a cute outfit for my viewers and Matt. He was my friends but he was still attractive so I didn't want to look like a mess in front of him. 

Matt was the best friend I could ever have. I could ask for guy advice and get an actual perspective from a boy. He was really sweet, funny, honest, loving, and caring. I always wondered why he never had a girlfriend  but I guess he was waiting for that person he thought was in it for him and not his stardom or the looks totally.

I was waiting on the couch and matt did his classic knock. I opened the door and he said "Rosio! I have missed you so much." His voice had gotten deeper over these two weeks I guess and he looked even hotter than usual. It was like an explosion of testosterone hit him too. He got taller too which was a nice bonus. 

He pulled me into a hug and i had to stand on my tippy-toes to reach his neck. 

We walked over to the couch and I said "I chose out some questions before but I thought we could choose some more together. You ready to get started?" 

I walked over and turned on the camera. 

"Hey guys! It's Rosio and welcome back to my channel. Today I will be answering questions you have asked and I have a very special guest here today! Meet my wonderful best friend Matt Espinosa." I said to begin the video. 

He waved and put his arm around me. He introduced himself and we got started with some of the questions. 

"@biebernation asked, how long have you known Matt?" I said. 

Matt answered and said "We were in diapers together, our parents were really good friends and fortunately we got along too." 

I went onto the next question and Matt read it out. 

" @Rosioforeves What's your favorite food?" 

I went for both of us and said "We both love mac and cheese, french fries, and the classic pizza." 

Matt shook his head at me and I just laughed. 

"@MagconBoys2121, what's your most embarassing moment?" I asked and looked at Matt. I knew exactly what was mine but I was not sure about Matt's. 

"Well, I'll go first since it's my channel. Once when I was young, about 9,  I was changing in a bathroom at a public park. My other friends were in there and I had to go the bathroom. So I told my  friends to not open the door until I was done. But one didn't listen and left. She swung the door completely open and all the boys saw me just sitting on the toilet. My shirt luckily covered everything but it was still really embarassing. The guys would make fun of me so much for the rest of that day and in the end I even smacked one of them. So yaaaa... your turn buddy." I said 

Matt was cracking up and he said "I remember that because I tried to tell everyone to stop making fun of you since it wasn't your fault and you were still my best friend then. So, onto my story. The most embarassing thing that ever happened to me was I was shopping with Rosio in WalMart. I was about 10 and there were no bathrooms to be found. So we were running around looking for one and then all of the sudden I just felt it coming. 

I ran into an aisle where nobody was and just peed. Rosio came running back and  she got saw the puddle below me. Her eyes widened and she said "Why didn't you just pull down your pants to go Matt?" I got really red and said "Because I didn't want you to see, your a girl!! Gross!" I screamed at her. She just laughed at me and put her hoodie around my waist so you could not tell. 

I was very uncomfortable in the car ride home and I had to borrow some of her underwear and a really girl pair of pants. So her older siblings made so much fun of me and then when she tried to stand up for me they started laughing even more since a girl was defending me. So ya that's my worst moment some were close but Rosio just asking me to whip out my dick to pee instead was definitely embarassing because I had a crush on her then." Matt finished and I was cracking up from the story. 

I was complimented by the fact he had a cute little crush on me but we both knew he grew out of it even I did not. I did have a crush on Matt ever since I met him but I refused to every tell anyone especially him. 

We answered a bunch more questions about ridiculous and serious things. 

I pointed to a random tweet and Matt read it out. 

"@Lilah_Williams342 asked, Matt what are your honest feelings towards Rosio?" Matt said. 

His face got bright red and started to look down. His hands were kinda shaking and he stuttered while saying "Well, when I said a had a crush on her then, I still have one now but I n-nnever thought I would be g-g-good enough for Rosio. I mean look at her! Nothing could compare to the beauty this girl has inside and out. So ya, my honest feelings are that I have always liked her more than a friend and that I might f-feel like that for a l-o-oong time." 

I looked over at Matt and said "I never thought you actually liked me back. You are Matt Espinosa! Amazingly attractive, funny, loyal, sweet, and caring viner dude yet you have no girlfriend." 

"Rosio, I only wanted one girlfriend. And I've been waiting on that for awhile now. I would wait forever and a day for you." 

I was in his words, I was speechless nothing could display everything that was going inside on me. I was so complimented, and my adrenline was pumping, thoughts racing, and memories of us flashing. 

I lost it and crashed my lips into his. He moved my body slightly closer and the kiss was magical. Everything was right about it, it just felt like it was supposed to happen. We pulled apart and just went in for a hug. He laughed and I blushed. His laugh was indescriable, like I could love him just for that. 

I looked back at the camera and said "Well, that's all the questions for today guys! I hope to see.." as I was talking Matt interrupted me. 

"Actually, there is one question left that I specifically want to ask to you. Rosio, will you go out with me?" Matt said to me before grabbing my hands and putting them in his.

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