Imagine #30- I Want A Pen Pal , Part 1

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 Hey everyone, I have not posted in forever seeing school is so busy on top of my little social life, clubs, and other stuff outside of it! I am really sorry but I loved the basic idea for this one, please enjoy!!! Thank you so much for reading and I am so sorry if it is not as good as it could have been. Please vote and inbox me with any requests!!!



Delilah's P.O.V.

It was second grade and all my friends bragged about having a pen pal. My class was the only one without any pen pals and I was really upset.

I went up to teacher and tried to ask. She got very stern and I started to whine "I want to a pen pal too! Please Mrs.Orchid, I want to write to someone!"

I was almost crying and she said "I will not but in high school I know you will. You can keep asking teachers each year but you will get your chance."

I just went back to my seat and did my math work.

Each year, I asked for a pen pal. Almost all my friends did it each year with the same people and I always asked my teachers. A lot would say that they loved the idea but the year went on and it got too busy.

I almost got the chance in 7th grade but in the end the whole thing did not work out since my teacher was pregnant and the substitute did not get the memo.

It was finally 10th grade and our teacher said we would be talking to some kids in Virginia.

We were going down as a class to Washington D.C. and would meet up with this class. The two teachers were really close friends and I was ecstatic to finally get to write to someone.

I walked into the class in the morning and sat in my seat. I was in a class with a few friends but my closest only had 2 classes with me.

We stopped talking and the teacher said "Good morning everyone! Today we will go over part of the Constitution but I need to tell you some good news! We are going to start our pen pals today, you will get a random person so do not put a name at the top. You can do some regular questions but as we go on try to keep it somehow History related."

He passed out the paper and I pulled out a blue pen. I was almost jumping out of my seat. The day would finally come that I would get to write to my pen pal. I started my letter and put all my words into consideration.

Dear My Future Pen Pal,

Hey! I know this is cheesy but I am really excited to be writing to you. I have waited since 2nd grade and finally it happened. Now, I will introduce myself! Hi I am Deliliah, I go Roosevelt High School in Leming, New York. I am in 10th grade, turning 16 in May, and love a lot of things! I love writing, playing volleyball, am the Treasurer of Student Council, and love food. I am obsessed with mac and cheese, brownies, and anything edible. I love to sleep so much and my favorite color is red! i have long black hair and light blue eyes. I am 5'4 and have a few siblings with a Mom and Dad.

I know I keep talking so I am going to interrogate you now ;)! What is your favorite color, food, sport, hobby? Do you like Virginia? Do you like History and have you ever been to Washington D.C.? What things do you like to do? What high school do you go to and what's your favorite class? How old are you, what do you look like? And, ya, that's most of what I can think of right now! Ohhhh, I am so stupid, lastly what is your name?

I cannot wait to for you to write back. Here's the picture our teacher wants us to post! I know it's girly but I really like it.


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