Imagine #46- Wildlike Wildlife

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I have not been updating school is so crazy since it is the end of the school year. I have a million tests and projects as well as finals coming up but this summer I hope to get at least 10 new imagines out for all of you! I wanted to change it up and this is a Jack Gilinsky imagine instead of Matt, I hope you all enjoy.



Penny's P.O.V.

My friend Anna was dragging me to a huge part with people from her school. I had hpe my crush, Jack would be there so it wasn't a ttoal waste of time.

She droves us to the address and clapped excitedly before unbuckling. We walked up to the front door and could hear loud music coming from inside. We opened the door and walked in. There was a layer of smoke near the door and smelt so much like weed.

I started getting a migraine so I walked further into the gigantic house. Anna saw some of her friends and I lost her in the cluster of people.

"Great party right?" A creepy voice whispered in my ear.

I turned around and it my ex Tyler. He was a really tall football player that I broke up with about 4 months ago. He cheated on me with this slut at our school named Maddie. He grabbed my wrist and did a really ugly smirk.

"Go the fuck away Tyler." I said and jerked my hand out of his grasp.

I found the kitchen and poured myself a drink. I could be a good partier I just didn't want to do it all the time. I drank a another one and my vision got a little blurry.

I saw a tall and tan figure walking over to me, so I was sure it wasn't Anna.

"Hey Penny, how are you liking the party so far?" A familiar voice asked me.

I needed a few seconds to realize it was Jack and he just asked me about the party.

"It's fun, I haven't done any dancing yet but I like parties." I replied, I didn't sound too bad yet.

"Let's go to the dance floor then." Jack smiled at me and my heart was melting.

Jack grabbed my hand and butterflies erupted in my stomach. He took me to the middle of the dance floor.

My hips and body moved to the beat. Jack danced too, I saw him eyeing me though.

"Dang Penny, I didn't know you were such a good dancer."

I smiled and we danced to a few more songs together. Jack grabbed some more drinks for us, and I knew I was drunk by now. In the middle of a really good song someone screamed "Gilinsky!! You gotta come over here."

It was his friend Alex and he said "I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't move, I wanna keep dancing and then maybe go outside if that's okay?"

I nodded at him and kept dancing. I hadn't seen Anna since the beginning of the party. She was probably poorly flirting with Matt somewhere.

I felt pity for Matt's ears having to listen to her.

A boy grabbed my hips and put me against him. I turned around and saw Tyler.

"Jack hasn't seen you dance like I have."

"And Jack hasn't seen the little dick you have either. Fuck off Tyler."

I tried to move his hands and they gripped my hands harder. I elbowed him in the gut and he let go.

Tyler grabbed my arm and I pulled away from him. I broke up with that asshole for a reason, wish he would stop bugging me. He was nothing compared to Jack.

Jack finally came back and I asked to go outside. Jack took me outside and we sat on the stone wall in his backyard.

"You liking the party Penny?"

"I am besides Tyler. Such an annoying person, never leaves me alone especially at parties and it's his fault he cheated and was a jackass. Now he's just a desperate douche." I huffed and took a sip of a drink next to me.

Jack took it out of my hand and I swatted him.

"Penny you're pretty drunk, you should stop." Jack warned me.

"Are you my babysitter? Oh wait nope."

Jack's face looked really upset.

"I'm sorry Jack, it's just that Tyler keeps g..."

Before I finished Jack crashed his lips into mine. I kissed back and my brain filled with so much happiness. I had been waiting since I first liked Jack. He pulled away and I smiled.

"What was that for?"

"I didn't want to here anymore about Tyler. Penny I know you won't remember this but I really like you and I'm done being a coward. I wanna hang out and kiss and go on dates, if you want to."

I nodded and by the collar of his shirt pulled him in for another kiss.

"Alright let's get your drunk self home." Jack said

I stumbled when I stood so he picked me up like I was a feather and carried me to the front of his house.

Anna's car was gone. She left without me and maybe drunk. Stupid bitch ass forget her best friend.

Jack put me into the passenger seat of his Jeep and I giggled for no reason.

I gave Jack somewhat accurate directions and we eventually found our way to my house.

Jack helped me step out of the car. He walked me up to the door and gave me another kiss. The feeling was the same each time, like it was the first.

I opened the door and fell. Jack laughed and helped me to my bedroom since it was right next to the living room.

He tucked me in and kissed me cheek. I wanted him to stay but my parents would brutally murder both of us.

He closed the door and I heard him drive away.

I drifted to sleep thinking about Jack. Did I seriously kiss him? Did this happen?

I woke up barely remembering the night and to a pounding headache. My parents heard me come in and I got a whole lecture on curfew and everything.

I didn't remember anything besides Jack and his lips against mine on the front porch.

"You are grounded for a month. No mall no nothing! Penny you cannot do this, it worries us!"

I said "Alright."

No fighting was necessary. I already won what was important, Jack.

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