Imagine #2-Epilogue- Matt's P.O.V. (Part 2)

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Matt's P.O.V.

"Hi..iii Matt. Oh my gosh, I have not seen you in forever. How are you?" She smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She got up from her knees and picked up the sweatshirt. She slowly wiped her eye and was waiting for my reply. I was so lost in all the memories and amazing things I remembered about her.

I slowly snapped out of it and said

"Sorry, ummm I am pretty good. Most of the boys and I are acting, we mainly live together but some of the boys are married so they moved out. By the way sorry about the sweatshirt, I know it's really nice."

She laughed and replied to me "Ya, it's the nicest sweatshirt I have ever had. I've gotten some things done with my future too but I am not nearly as famous as you Matt."

The second I saw her again, I wanted to hang out with her so I took up the courage. " Vanessa if you weren't busy would you be up to going back to the house with me and maybe we could hang out with all the boys?"

She slightly nodded her head and we went back to my car. It was a nice day out so I put the top down. Her hair was up so I didn't think she would mind. We drove back in mostly silence and pulled up to the house.

It was pretty sizeable but she had been there before. We made some rennovations and got some nicer furniture, that was about it though. I opened the door with the keys and all the boys were watching some movie.

They all turned around and said "Matttttt" in that boyish voice. They all looked to the side of me and said "VANESSSSAAAA!!!!" All the boys ran over to her and gave her a huge bear hug.

After the group hug she hugged all of the boys seperately and talked to them for a bit. Taylor was the only one who actually wasn't there and when we talked earlier he didn't have any plans.

He turned the corner from the bathroom and started to talk like the guys were there. "Guys, that last car scene was sick when the train almost ran...." He looked at the couch and saw that no one was sitting and he immediately saw Vanessa.

He smiled and she ran towards him. She jumped and he caught her. He spinned her around and said "Hi, Vanessa. I have missed hanging out with you so much."

She got down and they talked for awhile. I knew Vanessa enough to know she was being friendly and not flirty. This feeling in my stomach still made me feel so jealous. They had always been close friends since the party so I knew it was weird for them not to hang out and keep in contact.

I talked with some of the other guys for a bit and Vanessa came back over. I walked up to her and said "Sooooo, do you maybe want to go out for some dinner?" Cameron said " Ya, let's go to the Applebee's they just opened guys!" They all mumbled agreements so we ended going out with the whole crew.

We took about 4 cars and I had five of the guys in mine. I kept the top up and Carter kept making Vanessa laugh by screaming the songs lyrics. Gosh, her laugh was basically the same and even more adorable then I remembered. Before I ran into to her, literally, I had started to think about her more than I usually did. I really wanted this dinner to reconnect, I then decided I could take her out for ice cream after I dropped some of the boys back off at the house.

I pulled into a parking space and all the boys hopped out. Vanessa was in the middle so she was last and I gave her my hand as she stepped out of the car. We walked in side by side and I moved through our crowd to say "We have a group of 11." Jacob was sick and his flight got cancelled so he couldn't make it back today. Mahogany was an a Europe trip and would be back in a few weeks.

The host walked us over to a big table in the back. It was half booth and half chairs. Vanessa immediately sat down in the middle of the booth, and I knew that would happen since she did not really like sitting at table unless she had to.

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