Imagine #2- Epilogue-Matt's P.O.V.(Part 2)

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Matt's P.O.V.

Going out with Vanessa was amazing. All throughout high school we dated and I never wanted to give her up. I couldn't go to the Junior Prom with her and I allowed the closest other boy to take Vanessa. Taylor made this really cute proposal and I knew that in Senior year I had to make her prom perfect. Everyone was talking about it and I felt so guilty being not able to take her. That night I was flying out to meet some people to discuss about management and where I am going to go with this. I got back to find out Vanessa was heartbroken at the prom without me so I ensured that next year I would be there for her. I didn't go to school as much because my career had started to increase since I put some videos on the app called Vine. Everyone was all over it and soon I started doing event called Magcon. I invited Vanessa so many times and she came down for a lot of them. All the boys adored her and most of the fans were really sweet about our relationship.

I loved calling Vanessa mine it was something I wanted to do since the day I saw her walk through the door to history. She was just such a beautiful person and I needed her. I missed seeing her and wished I wasn't away from her that much. In her senior year I barely saw her and could only visit sometimes. I knew my plan for prom would be great. We had been talking a few months in advance and she had bought a dress. I had a feeling of what color is would be, her favorite. She had always really like red and I bought one that would match her dress, I just knew it. I had acted distant when she brought it up but I think she took the hint I was not going to make it. It hurt to see my baby so upset but in the end it would be better.

The night was approaching and I kept making sure everything was perfect. I didn't want to make anything suspicious and all the guys knew about it beside Taylor. I felt like there was a chance it could slip from his mouth and that would ruin it. I trusted him but something about telling him made it feel like something of it would be different. It was the night before and I texted Vanessa. She even sounded a little upset but I was literally five minutes from her house. Julia, Gabby, Allison, and Vanessa were all leaving early in order to get everything done. Me and the boys got ready and we bought a black limo together. The tickets were a little bit expensive but with what I had saved for her it was nothing.

It was getting close and we parked the limo a little bit away so they couldn't really tell. Her parents did not know about this either. Julia and Gabby were in on it though. I heard Gabby said "The baes must be here to pick us up!" She sounded so happy. The boys stood in front so once they moved she would she me last. They opened the door and hugged them. I broke through them and ran to her, in the doorway. I picked her up and she was smiling. She hugged me so tight when I put her back down and she was crying so hard. "I didn't think you were coming at all, Matt I missed you so much." I wiped a quick tear and gave her a kiss. We took photos and the limo came back around. Taylor was invited to join but he said he needed to do something. I opened the door for her and we sat at the end. She had her head on my chest and my arm was around her shoulder. I stroked her perfectly curled hair, it was soft and looked so nice. She just kept looking up at me and when I looked back down she blushed. Her phone buzzed and she was talking to Taylor. She told him about how I picked her up and his text was upset. It hit me then, he thought I wasn't going.

He was going to pick up Vanessa.

We arrived at the venue and my fingers intertwined with hers. We walked through the doors and it was so pretty. The theme was black and white but everyone wore colorful dress to stand out. Taylor came later and he was watching us the whole time. I didn't know what to do about it though. I loved him to death and obviously he was a great friend but I really thought I loved Vanessa. I wasn't going to give her up yet, I never even wanted to think about that. Vanessa had walked off to get punch and she talked a little bit with Julia.

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