Imagine #24- Speaking Is An Anxiety, Part 2

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(Y/N)'S P.O.V.

He was standing right in front of my eyes on the porch. His height was a skyscraper to mine and i looked up at him. His height was something that made him even more attractive. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I wanted to give you this book." He said to me. His hands reached out a weird looking story. The tile was Anxiety: A Problem a lot of People Hide.

"Ohh, tha-tha-thank yo-y-you for giving this to me. Have a good day, I know you probably have a l-lot to d-d-doo." I said after he gave it over.  He instead walked into my house and said "We did not get to talk that much and I really wanted to get to know more about you. I think you are so brave for taking all the shit everyone gives you and trying to talk about your problems (Y/N), I have a lot of respect for you." 

I started to blush. Why was he being so nice to me all of the sudden? I knew he was not deceitful so it really nice to have someone to talk to again. I did not have many friends and a big portion were older and already graduated.

"So (Y/N), tell me all about you. Things you like, your crazy fetishes, and everything in between. Let's get down and dirty." He said to me. 

I laughed at him and said "W-wee-wee can get into this on the couch over there." 

He followed me over to the comfy couch and I plopped down on the right side.

"Umm, o-o-okay. Well my favorite color is green, I love Nutella, I am obsessed with painting my nails, and ya. I also love writing and listening to music." I could not really think about anything else. I did not have a really fantastic life, it was pretty boring.

"Well, that's really nice. Your life seems a good amount of peaceful. Well I have some pets, I love to hang out with my really closer guy friends, I don't stop eating, and I am kinda into reading. I don't love it but it's not something I hate." He replied in response. 

For a few hours we went on about things about each other. He knew my favorite color, my biggest pet peeves, who I used to crush on, and all the rest. 

"So (Y/N), how about your most recent crush?" He said to me. 

"W-w-well, I h-ha-haven't had one recently." I said to him knowing how bad the lie was. 

"That was such a frikin lie, you know it too." He replied back. 

"Do you want honesty?" I asked him. 

"Yes, (Y/N), I want our friendship to be based on honesty." 

"You think we are friends?"

"Yea I do, but tell me who you had a crush on." 

"F-f-fi-fine, well I u-used to k-kinda like you." I said back to him. 

"Used to? We all know you still do, honey." He cheekily said back. 

"Nooo, you have it so wrong." 

He got fed up and pinned me to the couch. "Tell me the truth (Y/N)." He said to me. 

I knew a counter-act and flipped it so I was on top. 

"Doesn't matter because, I got the control now." I winked at him and got off. 

I started to walk away from the room and went upstairs. I went into my room and went to change my pants and basically closed the door. I just barely pulled them up and the door squeaked.

"Sorry (Y/N), and woah! This is a such a neat room!" He said looking around. 

Any poster were hung up purposely in a row. My pens and pencils were all sorted into different cups. extra supplies stored in bins and everything else you could imagine.

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