Imagine #5- Carter Imagine for his B-day

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You were walking into your favorite store to try to find more presents for your best friend Matt. Nash was throwing him a surprise party and everyone from magcon, a lot of viners, a lot of youtubers, and other friends were coming. You were very excited because you wanted him to love it so much and you had about 3 hours before the party. You walked around and found a really nice shirt and a new pair of sunglasses to get along with some of the other gifts you had bought for him.

You paid the cashier and drove back home to wrap the presents. Nash said that you might want to dress nicely just in case any boys came and you chuckled. You put on a skirt, a tank top, and a pair of vans to go with it. You had straightened your hair and put it into a beanie and had your sunglasses on top of the beanie . On the way you blasted the music and had such a fun time singing along.

You pulled into the drive way and slowly went through the front door. Nash was sitting around and you spotted a few of the other guys. He introduced you to most of them besides Carter. Carter was in the corner on his phone by himself. You walked over and said "Hi, I'm one of Matt's really close friends. He talks about you all the time and my name is Victoria."

He looked up at you and smiled "I'm Carter, you probably already know that. Matt has showed me so many pictures of you but I did not know you were this stunning." He smirked and winked at you before walking away.

Your face was like a tomato and Nash told everyone he was going to move the cars. He was moving them down so Matt was not suspicious when pulling up. You talked to Aaron and Taylor a lot, they were hilarious. Then, Carter grabbed your arm from behind in the middle of your conversation and pulled you off to the side. "So, Victoria, how long have you been friends with Matt?" He was looking down at you.

"We've been friends for about 3 or 4 years now and we really get along."

"That's really awesome, I've known Matt for a shorter time but I love him so much and I cannot believe it's already his next birthday again. It's nice the party was also on his actual birthday."

You smiled at Carter and said "Ya it is, I wish I could have my party on my birthday this year. I'm counting down the 12 days to mine."

He laughed and you guys kept talking. Soon, Nash told everyone how Matt was coming soon. He turned off the lights and you all crouched down and everyone put their phones on silent. You and Carter were squatting down next to each other. You whispered " I really hope Matt loves this party."

"Ya I want my best friend, to have a great party." He nudged you a little and you lost your balance. You fell on top of him and all the sudden the lights were on. You scrambled to get up with everyone else and yelled Surprise. Matt walked over and you ran to give him a huge hug. "I missed you so much Matt, Happy Birthday!!!!" You said and smiled up at him. He looked behind you and said "Happy early b-day to you Victoria, hey CARTEERRRR was up bud :D ?" He walked over to Carter and they bro hugged.

The party was great. Matt was enjoying it, he loved all his presents and you were getting along with all the boys so well. You saw Matt and Carter talking by themselves and were about to join when you heard your name.

"Carter, you've been waiting to ask Victoria if she would want to go on a date since the day you saw that first snapchat of her. She's here and I know you guys would be great for each other. Stop worrying and go ask her." Matt said before pushing him towards the doorway. You walked through the door and Carter collided with you. He had dip in his hand and it got all over you. You kinda stood there shocked and ran to get some napkins.

You were wiping off your shirt and Carter came up and said "I am so sorry Victoria! I did not mean to do that at all." He smiled and you didn't reply. Instead you grabbed the dip behind you and smeared it all over his cheek.

He looked up and you tried to run. He grabbed you by your waist and picked you up. He put his hand in the dip and put it all into your face. He spun you around so you could not reach the dip. You guys kept the war going and by the end he took the whole bowl and dumped it on your head. You screamed and shook your hair in his face. Everyone ran in and they were all looking at you.

Jack G said "What the hell happened in here!" He was smirking and you were so embarrassed.

"Well, I have guests coming over tomorrow so Carter and Victoria are going to clean this all up ;)" Nash was smirking and you realized this mess would take forever. All the other guests went back and did not go in the kitchen while you guys got changed. Carter was going to take a shower and you were just going to wash out your hair in the sink and change.

You had finished you hair and changed into some of Nash's clothes that did not look awful. You opened the door and Carter was walking out with just a towel around his waist. Your eyes widened and you look him up and down.

"I know I look amazing, but I gotta take a shower to get this dip off my body." Carter smirked and slowly walked past you. You blushed at him really hard and went down the stairs. You grabbed a mop and looked at the big mess.

Most of the people had left except for the boys and you started to scrub the floor and you heard footsteps. Carter had another mop and you put your phone on the counter. You blasted some music and you guys danced are like fools. You guys were really close and just had to clean the windows. You guys sat down and took out the pint of ice cream. He grabbed you a spoon and said "Mint chocolate chip is my favorite!"

You smiled and stated "It is my favorite too :D !"

You guys dug in and you were in the middle of telling him about one of your really funny stories "So, the lady pressed the button and the tube counted down. 3.....2...1.... and then I started to sho--" Carter cut you off with a amazing kiss. His lips tasted like the ice cream and they were soft. You felt sparks fly through your body and your heart was pounding. Your mind was screaming and you were so happy.

Your lips were moving in sync and he pulled your chair closer to him. Your hands wrapped around his neck and you pulled apart. All the boys were behind you and Matt screamed "GET SOME CARTAHHH." You blushed and put your head in your hands. He pulled you into his chest and you heard everyone else murmur while they walked out. He kissed you on your forehead.

"Victoria, let's finish cleaning and how about tomorrow we will go to the new Insidious?"

You beamed a white smile and took his hands in yours "I would really like that Carter." You replied and kissed him on the cheek before you guys cleaned the windows.

The next day you got ready for your date and Carter picked you up with a beautiful bunch of flowers. You loved the movie and during it so kept hiding in his chest when you got scared. You both had a great time and you hung out with him/ all the other boys until they left. You kept in contact and eventually when you saw him again, he asked you out :).

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