Imagine #37- It's Hard to Learn With A Hot Tutor Part 3

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Shawn was standing at the door with a small bag and his guitar.

"Matt is in the car, he had to make a phone call. Can I come in?"

I nodded my head and he gave me a hug.

"You have a nice house."

"Thanks Shawn."

"Me and Matt both decided to come. We thought two tutors could help you get the material better.Maybe one of us is better at explaining a certain part than the other and that could help."

"Oh. Well that was very thoughtful of the two of you to spend your day doing boring math with me."

"Like Matt said in the car, we have no problem helping out a pretty classmate of ours."

"Matt really said that?" I asked while slightly blushing.

"Matt did. He was nervous because he wanted to look good for you. Are you blushing (Y/N)?" Shawn asked.

"No. What are you talking about? I just have on blush." I replied back to him while looking at the ground.

"You like Matt don't you? You dig him!! Oh my gosh, someone has a crushhh..." Shawn teased me in a school boy way.

"Okay, maybe a have a little crush on him but would you shut up! He is getting out of the car." I said to Shawn and pointed at a walking Matt.

"Maybe I'll just go tell Matt about this whole thing." Shawn started to walk towards the door as he said that to me.

I jumped onto his back and he fell down. He smiled, got up, and walked over to the table where all my work was. Matt walked through the door and he looked at me.

"Hi (Y/N)!" Matt said to me and he threw me into a hug.

I went on my toes to reach his neck and then walked him over to the table. We sat down and I took out the packet from the Math folder. I had done some work on my own and now had the last three pages left out of the five.

I knew some of the problems but I wanted to wait just to make sure I was doing everything right. I needed a good grade on this test in order to keep my high GPA. Math was always a struggle for me but Pre-Calculus proved to be very complex to me. All the aspects of Trigonometry took a lot of creativity and memory of identities and other stupid methods.

We sat down at the table and Matt skimmed over the first 2 pages. Everything was right besides minor changes and we started to go over the third page. Shawn sat down on the other side of me and started to play his guitar.

Everyone knew he had an amazing voice so I didn't mind his singing while working. It made it seem a lot more comfortable and more laid back.

Matt and I flew into the 3rd page and started on the 4th. We were going at a good pace until we got to one problem. He wanted me to do it on my own, the problem was I had no clue what to do.

Even when he helped me and asked me what was next I kept getting it wrong.

"After we move the one what do we do?" Matt asked.

"Do we divide the cosine?"

"No, close, we multiply since that would be the reciprocal."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's alright (Y/N), how about the next step?"

"Do we change it to an identity?"

"Yes, which one."

"The cotangent plus 1 equals cosecant?"

"No, (Y/N) we use the Pythagorean identity."

"Oh okay, right. Sorry I'm being so stupid today." I said in the midst after writing it down.

I felt really stupid and Matt started to rub my back. I felt more relieved and Matt said "It's okay (Y/N), you aren't stupid. This math is tricky and you'll get better. Don't get discouraged!"

I felt really bad at math and I honestly was embarrassed that my crush saw I terrible I was at it. After a for more problems, I made the boys sandwiches and mac and cheese.

We sat on the couch and I got up to go use the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom and quietly opened the door. I walked oddly soft and stopped when I heard Shawn talking to Matt.

"She is totally into you. She cannot deny it for her life, it is so cute." Shawn said.

"You are joking right?"

"I am totally serious."

"Well I mean I kinda like her you know but she's cool."

"Matt stop lying to yourself, you have liked her since the beginning of this year and now your deciding to not put yourself out there! Man up Matt, go after what you want. She's pretty and smart and sweet and funny and so much more, what's holding you back?"

"What if she doesn't like me back actually?"

"Matthew. Espinosa. She likes you back okay? Once she comes back out here you are going to be fine. She is a regular girl, you are a regular guy. Got it?"

"Thanks man, she is just so amazing, I just get nervous sometimes."

I turned the corner and both of them looked up at me. They smiled awkwardly at me and I sat back down.

"I'll clean up (Y/N), you have been such a great host to these two immature boys." Shawn told me while grabbing all the bowls and plates.

Shawn smirked over at Matt and I started to get nervous.

Would Matt pull anything or act like nothing happened?

I smiled at Shawn and then grabbed the math packet. Matt took it out of my hand and said "You have done a lot we can start up again in a little bit of time. I want to teach you something else."

Matt looked into my eyes and his thumbs went towards the back of my head. He moved in closer and our faces were inches apart. He leaned in close and then... to be continued

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