Imagine #41- Who Said Old Traditions Should Die?

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This is because of all the snow outside! I know it's a little cheesy but I hope you all enjoy it!

Your P.O.V
The fire was crackling and I had my big glasses on. The blanket was softer than silk and I felt like a cloud was covering my legs. I was reading a book that had just been published off of Wattpad.

Someone quietly knocked on my door and I scurried over. I opened it up and it was a bunch of snow along with a person. I closed the door and started to unravel them. They had on a scarf , hat , like 5 jackets, and I could finally see their face.

It was Matt! Matt was my best friend but also my boyfriend. He lived down the street and when we were younger we would go sledding all the time.

"Hey babe! I was wondering if you wanted to play in the snow like we used to as kids?"

I smiled and nodded. I ran up the stairs and grabbed everything. The snow was coming down so hard and I knew I would freeze to death if I didn't turn into a slight marshmallow.

I got dressed and so did Matt. I quickly grabbed the sleds my sister used yesterday on the porch and Matt kissed what was showing of my cheek.

I grabbed his hand and we walked up the street. Our houses were less than half a mile away from the church that we would go sledding at. Matt and I went to a catholic school together as kids and they had this huge hill behind the school and the church.

The two of us, depending on the season, would either roll down the hill or the sled down the hill.

It was our thing and no one tried to steal it from us.

Matt offered to pull me up the street but instead I pulled him. Matt was heavy but not as heavy as I thought. He was around 150 now because he started working out a lot more than before.

I pulled Matt about halfway before I told him to get out. We walked the rest of the way, talking about all the memories we had together as children. 

"Remember when I stole your crayons in 2nd grade and messed them all up. I put them into the wrong places and you being (Y/N) would have to fix them? And then in the Q and U wedding, you made sure my tie was perfect while we walked down the aisle together."

Matt could barely get out the words because he was laughing so hard. I was always a control freak, I guess.

Matt and I crossed the road, over to the church. We ran behind the school and the hill was just waiting there for us. I looked over at Matt and grabbed his hand. I literally pulled him into the back of the sled and he kissed my cheek. 

I put his feet on top my legs and leaned forward on the sled. Matt pushed his hands off and wrapped them around my waist. We were not even half-way down, when I started to laugh. I couldn't tell whether I was sledding again as a little kid with my best friend or sledding with the best boyfriend and nothing could be more perfect. 

The sled slowly came to a halt and I saw we had a long way to walk back up. Matt offered to pull me up the slope and I did not decline. He pulled me up like I was the weight of air. 

 I climbed out and jumped on top of Matt. He giggled at me and gave me a small peck on the lips.

Matt and I went down that hill more than twenty times. Sledding was something that made Matt and I really bond, it was the thing that kept us together from kindergarten to fifth grade.  

Being here again after such a long time, really made it magical, like just re-living my childhood and that was really nice. 

Matt and I did have some other rituals however. Whenever the two of us got bored of the hill, we would ride down a gigantic set of stairs on the side of the building. It had 50 steps at least and was never used during the winter so it was always coated in snow. 

I shot up the right side of the stairs and tapped my foot waiting for my boyfriend to join me. He finally got to the top step, but he was panting. He had fallen down twice since it was a little icy, so I knew he was tired. 

"What? You aren't going to make fun of me going up the stairs like a turtle?" Matt jokingly questioned me. 

"No, because seeing you fall was enough of the shame." 

Matt threw the sled to me and he picked me up. He plopped me into the sled and pushed me down the stairs with a lot of force. I went flying down the set of stairs and started sliding across the whole parking lot. I stopped finally when I crashed into a pile of snow. 

I sat there for a few seconds until Matt turned me around. He asked me a bunch of questions and I rolled them all off. 

"Matt! I'm fine babe, it was actually a lot of fun for me! Can we do one more thing before we go home?" 

"King of the mountain?" 

"Matt, you know me too well." 

I pushed him and jogged over to the biggest mountain of snow there was. I started to crawl up the side of the pile when I felt hands around my hips. They tugged hard causing me to lose my grip and slid down to the bottom. 

Matt winked at him and I yanked his leg because he was about to win. I jumped over him and got half my body on the top. Matt looked at me with revenge so I swung my legs onto the top. I stood up and Matt a few seconds later tackled me. I wrestled him off me and tried to stand up again. 

He pulled me down and got back up on his two feet. 

"I'm the king of the..." Matt screamed. 

I jumped onto his back and he fell down. I pinned him down and whispered into his ear 

"I'm the king of the mountain." 

He smirked and flipped me over. Matt didn't say anything instead he crashed his lips into mine. 

The kiss was filled with passion and this desire to be as close to each other as possible. 5 minutes later Matt stopped. 

"(Y/N), I need to get out some things that I've been dying to say and this is the perfect moment." 

"Ya, Matt of course go ahead." I said to him. 

"(Y/N), my thoughts and heart are consumed by you everyday. I have seen you grow from 3 to 16 and you are the most gorgeous girl on this planet. Even in your awful puberty days, I thought you were so beautiful. My heart has told me you were special from the day I called you my best friend. Each day my feelings have grown stronger and stronger. I could burst open because of all the passion and butterflies and feelings you give me every second of the day. I always tried to avoid liking you because I thought it could ruin us but it's made us stronger. I know you better than I know myself and it's the best feeling. I need to you know that these words, I'm saying have never been felt or thought of before." 

"(Y/N), I love you. I love you more than Vans and Chipotle and Taco Bell and even Burnie combined. You are my first love and maybe my only love. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me." Matt finally finished. 

I didn't know what to say. Matthew Espinosa, the most attractive boy in our school loved me just as much as I had loved him.  

"Matt, I don't know what to say but I love you too. My love is bigger than the universe and I cannot wait to spend the rest of high school with you." 

"(Y/N), I want to spend college with you too! We have good grades, we both love Georgetown and I think we should go there together. I want to be with you and maybe I am  insane but I cannot live without you. Our future is near and without you in it, I don't know what I would be. So promise me, we will try, try our hardest to stay together?" 

"I promise Matt, I promise my heart and love to you and I promise to fight. Fight hard for what I know we have." I said back to him. 

We walked back and talked about our future. 

2 years later...

Matt and I were getting packed for Princeton University. We both got in with good financial aid and I was excited to spend this with the love of my life.  I know I was young, but I had been in love with Matt since that day sledding.

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