Imagine #37- It's Hard To Learn With A Hot Tutor, Part 2

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Matt. Matt Espinosa will be tutoring you."

My mouth dropped open and I just stood there. Matt tutoring me, I would feel so judged and now I actually have to look good when studying and stuff. But, I mean this could be a way to finally get his number.

"(Y/N) are you okay?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and said "Ya, I am fine."

"All the tutors and some of the students are meeting after school, would you like to join?"

"Sure I'll come." I said back.

I got a pass to my next class and sat down in my seat in front of Matt quickly to start copying the notes. This teacher raced through everything and I barely had anytime to comprehend what was going on.

The rest of the school day was a blur since all I was concerned about was going to the classroom after school.

I walked into the class and sat down in a seat next to a friend of mine.

"So, miss smartness, who did you get assigned to tutor?" I asked.

"I got Taylor." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Get it!" I said quietly to her.
She smiled at me and looked across the room at Taylor. He was talking to Matt and she clearly liked him.

She denied liking Taylor since 6th grade but I knew she never got over him.

The teacher finally stood up and started to talk.

"Okay everyone, thank you all for coming. I see a lot of you who needed help came on such short notice and I really thank you guys for that. I have a list here of the partners and it seems most of them are both here."

She looked down at her clipboard and started to read off names.

"Okay the first partners are Natalie and Taylor."

Natalie waved and Taylor sat down behind her, he was smirking and his eyes glanced over her body. She turned around and he stopped.

"Okay Jack and Georgia will be working together. Isis and Leo will work together. Shawn and... okay well Theresa didn't show up so you can just walk around and help other groups."

Shawn nodded his head and only two groups were left.

"Alright Nash and Rebecca will work together.
And of course Matt you be helping (Y/N)."

Matt waved and told me to come over.

I grabbed my bag and moved into the seat next to Matt. He turned his desk so it was facing mine and said "Hi (Y/N) I know that we have a bunch of classes together and just wanted to say that, I think you are really brave to do this and if you ever need any help, you can always just text me and we can tutor in more private places if you would like, so you can really focus." He said to me.

"Ya, I really don't want a teacher constantly critiquing everything I do."

"Okay, so I'll give you my number and maybe we can set up some tutor-sessions after school?"

"I would really love that and you don't have to do this Matt. You just helping me in school is honestly already a lot to ask."

"No seriously, I want you to do as well as possible and there's nothing wrong with me giving up some free time to help out someone as pretty as you."

I blushed and we exchanged numbers. We started working on the packet we had gotten in class today that was due in a few days.

"Okay now you go as far as you can in the first 10 problems. After I'll fix any mistakes and help you finish all the ones you didn't." Matt said to me.

I nodded my head and started to work on the problems.

I got 1-6 by myself basically and started 7,8,9 as much as I could.

I didn't totally understand 10 so I waited. I put my pencil down and Matt looked over at the sheet.

He smiled and looked at me "Good job (Y/N)! I'll look over the first 6 and then we can go over the others. You have very nice handwriting by the way."

"Thank you, I took a calligraphy class for a few years and it helped a lot." I replied to Matt.

Matt looked over the first six and said "(Y/N) not bad. You got the first 6 right, and what you completed of 7 and 8 is good."

I smiled up at him and said "Thank you."

"Alright, so the end of 7 is to just simplify the sine squared x minus 1 to cosine squared.

That will turn into 1 since it is cosine over cosine."

I nodded my head and he pointed at the next one.

"How about you try to finish 8 by yourself?" Matt asked.

I finished 8 and he smiled when I got it right. We went over 9 and 10 and by that time we only had a few minutes left.

"So, (Y/N), we don't have school tomorrow and the test is Wednesday. Maybe I can come over tomorrow and we can do a bunch of review to make sure you are ready?"

"Are you sure, you want to waste your day on math with me?" I replied back.

"If I am the reason you get a better test grade, I will be so happy to know I helped. And I don't mind helping out a friend. See you tomorrow (Y/N)." He gave me a hug before getting up and walking out.

I packed up and went out to my car. I drove home and was so excited to know I would be seeing him tomorrow, that meant I had to look cute though.

I pulled into my driveway and opened the front door. I finished all my other work and started to make dinner for my dad and mom.

My brother was in college and both my parents were doctors, so they always had long days.

My parents walked in the door about an hour later. I put down the plates and waited for them to change.

"How was your day sweetie?" My mom asked me.

"It was good, my tutor, Matt wanted to come over to study for the test." I said.

"Oh okay! As long as you guys really study."

"Of course mom, nothing else will go on." I said back to her.

We finished the dinner and I went up stairs to take a shower. I cleaned the dishes and made sure I did all the work I could.

I went to bed early and fell asleep thinking about tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning around 10 since Matt would be over around 12:30. I got out of bed and threw my hair up into a high ponytail.

I put on a pair of sweatpants and a croptop with some socks. I brushed my teeth and put in studs. I brought all my work downstairs and put on a bit of make-up.

I made some cereal and ate while I was waiting. I watched some TV and went on my phone for a bit. I texted a few people and eventually just flipped to a random episode of say yes to the dress.

By the end of the show the doorbell rang. I got up from my seat checked myself in the mirror and walked up to the door.

I swung the door and said "Hi!"

"Hi (Y/N)!"A voice said.

I looked up and Shawn was standing there.

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