Imagine #9-Hayes Imagine for His Birthday

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If you didn't read my last note it stated why this imagine was so late. But without further notice, here is the Hayes Imagine for his birthday!! (Sorry for it being so late!)

Ashley's P.O.V.

"Okay, we are here. You have your phone and money just in case?" My mom said worriedly while looking at the glass door. "Yes Mom, I while be perfectly fine and I'll call if I need anything." I said and I opened the car door. I closed it and waved back to my mom before walking up the stairs. I looked in the glass once more to check to make sure everything looked perfect. I was going on a date with the Hayes Grier! He was one of the most popular guys in our school besides the fact that his older brother was insanely cool in the high school we went to. Hayes was insanely handsome, hilarious, and I was so lucky to be able to be going on a date with him.

I was wearing a floral shirt and some dark wash skinny jeans. I wore my purple Vans with them and I finally opened the door. As soon as I stepped in a voice said "Hey (Y/N)!" Hayes was sitting on the corner of a small square that supported a massive pole. "Hi Hayes! Sorry if I kept you waiting long, you know mothers and their concern over every little thing."  I nervously said before putting one my hands into my front pocket. "So, uhh (Y/N) what movie would you like to see?" Hayes asked me before we started to get into line. "Well, I kind wanted to see the new horror movie, Woman In Black. Is that alright with you?" 

"Ya, I thought you wouldn't want to see that. I actually love horror movies." 

I smiled at the comment since it was nice me and Hayes had at least one thing in common. "I love them too Hayes." I quietly said after walking up to the employee. 

"Can we have two tickets to Woman In Black?" Hayes asked. 

"That will be $21, and it is showing in our deluxe theatre." They said while waiting for some form of money. 

I started to reach into my pocket but Hayes put his arm in front of me and said "The least, I can do is pay for the tickets for the movie. Now let me be a man here and pay for my lady." Hayes jokingly said before putting down thirty dollars on the table.

They gave him nine dollars back and we went over to the concession stand. "Now (Y/N), although I would love to get popcorn and candy, we have to choose. And being the amazing gentleman I am, I think you should have this heavy choice cast upon your shoulders. Now which should we pick?" Hayes questioned me before doing the one eyebrow up thingy to add the mystery. 

"Well, I was just here the other day and we got popcorn, so I was thinking candy?" 

"I wanted candy more too. But on a side note, really? I was here a few days ago too. I saw 21 Jump Street." 

"I saw that too! It was really good, I could not stop laughing at it." 

"Same (Y/N), let's not forget how hot the guys in that movie were though.." Hayes slightly smirked and I decided to be a little flirty with the hottie. 

"True but I've seen hotter." I said while winking at him. 

Hayes started to blush and I thought I was melting. "Oh my gosh, they have watermelons!" I basically screamed and a bunch of people looked at me. 

"I love those!" Me and Hayes said together. My eyes widened and we both laughed. 

"They are my favorites." We said at the same time once again. 

We were called up and Hayes again payed, I would let him have his gentleman thing this time but if we went on a next date, I wanted to pay for myself. 

We walked into the theatre and I let Hayes pick the seats. Just as we sat down the commercial started to come on. He put the candy in between us and he opened the package. After one commercial we both reached for the bag and he let me take one first. I smiled at the gesture and we kept watching the commercials. The movie finally started and I got excited. Daniel Radcliffe was one of my favorite actors and I had been waiting to see this.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now