Imagine #8- Shawn Imagine for His Birthday

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I know it's a little late but here's an imagine for Shawn's B-Day!!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning with awful cramps. I held my stomach and then felt a pounding headache. It was the second day of my period and I was so glad it was the weekend. I took some pills and my headache felt slightly better. I decided to call Shawn. He usually made me feel better and I hadn't seen him in awhile. I picked up the phone and it rang.

"Hello?" He said and immediately I smiled.

"Hi babe, I was wondering if you could possibly come over today. But I'm warning you I'm not feeling the best and on my period."

"It's no problem, I'll be there beautiful."

"Okay Shawn, byeeee."

"See ya later, gorgeous."

He hung up and I smiled. Shawn was so much better than any boyfriend I could ever imagine. Another cramp hit me and I held my stomach again. I sat on my couch and turned on the TV.

I heard the doorknob jingling and Shawn pulled the key out of the door. He walked over and his hands were full. "Hey babe." He said before softly kissing me. I smiled and he said "I brought some stuff for you (Y/N)."

He had a few boxes of tissues, a set of pads, some chocolate, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and a huge pile of movies.

"Awww babe, thank you so much! You didn't have to bring all of this." I said before pulling him over the couch. He landed on top of me. I grabbed his neck and kissed him. He pulled me up so that I was straddling his lap. He bit my lip and I slightly moaned. His mouth roamed and found my sweet spot. I bit my bottom lip and we kissed some more. Eventually he stopped and I turned around to put my head in his lap.

He traced his fingers over the spot and I winced. Shawn smirked and said "Well that's gonna leave a mark." I punched his arm playfully and he pretended to be hurt.

He got up and grabbed some more blankets and pillows from my room. I felt cozy in my pajamas, with blankets, and Shawn was cuddling next to me. He was comfortable but not squishy. He was built and to an amount that was hot yet nice to lay on.It took me a really long time to try to choose a movie.

He had Love Actually, The Notebook, Dear John, Endless Love, The Fault In Our Stars, The Neighbors, The Lucky One, 21/22 Jump Street and a lot more.

We started with The Neighbors and I could not stop laughing. Shawn brought us the pint of ice cream and we ate out of it. He rubbed my belly and my head, so the pain wasn't as bad.

Having him cuddled up against me, just being lazy and him whispering sweet nothings, that was Shawn Mendes for you. We were into the fifth movie and it was going slow since I felt tired. Eventually I started to fall asleep and he brought me up to my room. He was about to go but I said "Shawn please stay."

Shawn just smiled and got under the covers with me. He kissed my cheek and intertwined our fingers together. My eyelids drooped and I heard Shawn softly say "Goodnight beautiful."

I'm sorry, I know this sucked guys but I'm having some writers block that's all.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now