Imagine #48- Team Winner

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Today Matt was coming over and we were going to have a video game tournament before going out to see Insidious 3.

The doorbell rang and I ran to the door. Matt walked in and I hugged him.

He leaned in for a kiss and I smiled before our lips crashed together. I grabbed the collar of his shirt to keep it going and finally pulled apart so we could go downstairs.

Matt grabbed me from behind once I was off the stairs. He swung me around and threw me over his shoulder.

I giggled as he plopped me in between his legs. He gave me my remote and we started by playing Just Dance 2015.

Matt chose the first song. He picked problem by Ariana Grande and I smiled. I played this song before and I think I could pull out a win.

I chose my character and looked over at Matt. He was going to lose this one at least.

The song started and Matt looked hilarious. Besides his body rolls he was failing. On the other hand I was getting perfect on almost every move. Matt and I played 3 more songs before stopping.

"I handed it to you in that game." I said while winking at him.

"How can I focus when you dance like that (Y/N)?" He said while squeezing me ass when I walked away.

I slapped his hand and we sat down on the couch to play a game of his choice. We played C.O.D. and Borrowlands. I sucked so bad but Matt tried to help me sometimes.

I was sitting in between his legs again and it was perfect. Matt helping me with the game and I following his moves.

We finally finished and I chose Mario Kart as the tie breaker.

"Get ready to lose (Y/N)." Matt winked at me and kissed my cheek before we started the game.

"I'll beat your ass at this game babe." I said while choosing toad as a character.

Matt chose his mii and we decided to play all the courses at random selection.

Matt and I were pretty even and I was winning by 5 points.

During Bowser's Castle Matt put his hand on my stomach. He started to tickle me and I immediately fell off the course.

"Matt stop! Stop! This is not fair babe!" I was laughing between every word before he finally stopped.

I got back to 3rd place but Matt wasn't going to get away.

About 4 races later I decided the perfect way to get revenge.

We started Rainbow Road and I turned around towards Matt.

"(Y/N) you're blocking my view!" He said trying to look to the side.

I stopped the game.

I immediately started kissing him and he tried to move me.

"Turn it on babe." He said to me.

"You know we could do something else instead of playing this game.." I fumbled with the bottom of his shirt and his mouth dropped wide open. He suddenly grabbed my face and started heavily making out with me.

He dropped the remote and I quickly turned back around and started the race back up. I took his remote and purposely drove him off the course. I chucked the remote all the way to the bean bag chair across the room.

Matt got over to the other side of the room fast but not fast enough to beat me. He ended up getting sixth and it was absolutely hilarious.

We finished a half hour later and I won! I jumped around and kept bragging to him for a good 10 minutes. It was a really good day with Matt.

"Alright (Y/N), let's go see the movie. It starts in about 30 minutes." Matt got up and went upstairs.

I walked up and he opened the door to my bedroom.

"Matt why don't we go to the 9 o'clock?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't we go now?" He questioned to us.

"Well I thought we could do something first..." I said to him while sitting down.

Matt and I just barely made the 9 o'clock showing 😉.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now