Imagine #51- Love Is In the Lake

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Here's another request imagine! I hope you all enjoy and it means so much that all of you read, vote, and comment on my imagines. I love you all and I really hope you all enjoy this story!



Karin's P.O.V.

"Hurry up Karin! We are leaving you behind, if you don't get your butt down here." He said while loading some bags into the car for the trip.

That he, is my friend Matthew. Everyone calls him Matt and Matt has been close to me since we were five. Our parents knew each other college and forced us to hang out but eventually we started to get along.

I sat in the back, in between Matt and my younger sister. Matt and I jammed out in the back the whole car ride and talked about how excited we were for this trip. This summer trip had been planned since the winter and it was something to look forward to.

About 3 hours later we finally made it to the Lake House.

I ran up to the door and immediately chose the room I had looked at online for months. I threw my bags on the floor and jumped on the bed.

Matt stood at the doorway with his shoulder up against the side.

"So you like this room don't you?" Matt said while looking around.

"Ya, I mean the view is perfect and it's got everything."

"Well I got the room right next to you. So we can hang out until we want to sleep."

Matt and I spent the night talking and we went to be at midnight.

Tomorrow, the whole group would be going hiking.

I woke up at 8. I went to take a shower, brushed my teeth, and started brushing my hair.

I forgot my clothes in the room so I was orating no one would see me in my towel.

I started walking really fast and just when I was about to make it Matt came out of the room.

He stood shirtless with his elbow against my door. I turned around and smiled.

"Good morning Karin." He smirked and winked at me.

"Good morning." I replied.

Matt leaned in and touched my chin with his hand.

My stomach felt weird, I rushed inside and put my back against the door.

Why did Matt do that? I put it out of my mind and got changed.

I put my hair into a ponytail and tied the laces on my Nike's. I closed my door and met everyone in the kitchen.

We all had a big breakfast and went outside.

Matt smiled and we put on our shades. Everyone piled into the cars and we drove 10 minutes to the trails.

I jumped out and Matt chose the longest and hardest trail of course.

I rolled my eyes and was ready to be dying of heat stroke by the end.

3 Hours Later...

I was so done with this hike. My legs were covered in dirt and I was sweating so much. I was sticky and felt disgusting.

Matt was all smiling and I was about to smack him across the face. I stumbled a little and almost fell. My legs were sore and I fell again. Matt caught me right before I could have hit the ground.

Matt helped me to the car and I thanked him. I listened to music on the way home and went straight to my bedroom.

I changed into my bathing and put a new shirt and new pair of shorts. I ran out the door and went over to the dock.

I stood on the dock for a few seconds and took of the shirt/shorts fast. I walked to the edge and stood. The breeze was beautiful, cool and fresh.

I took one step off and suddenly feel into the water.

I popped back up and turned around to see Matthew standing above laughing. I used my arms to get back up and grabbed his arm.

I pushed him and he fell so funny. I jumped him after and we spent the afternoon swimming.

I put on my shirt and the two of us went canoeing. It was so amazing. Matt and I just talked about everything from relationships to space. I loved being with him, it was always a good time.

We got out and decided to watch Beyond The Lights. He let me choose. It was so romantic and sexualized so there was points I was uncomfortable.

Matt and I went back to his room and were just listening to music lying down on the bed.

Matt looked over at me and started talking.

"Today was amazing. I got to share it with a special girl. Not only Karin are you my close friend, you're my crush. You have been for awhile."

Matt leaned in extremely fast and crashed his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands were on the sides of my face.

"So I guess this is something more now?" I asked.

He smiled and leaned in for a kiss again.

That trip was the start of something soooo great.

I hope you enjoyed Karin! I know it kinda sucked but I had fun writing it!

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now