Imagine #36- Jacob Imagine for His B-Day

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I know this is really late, but I was seriously out of ideas and I have been thinking about trying to do something like this for a bit so I hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this, It means so much that people want to read what I have to offer them! I love you all so much and here is a Jacob imagine for all your Jacob girls! Just saying if you haven't seen or heard anything for the musical Rent, I really recommend it!!



Lily's P.O.V.

I was pacing in my small room, going over my lines again and again. I had to land this part. I have always wanted to be this specific role in this play and it would mean the world if I knew I could get it. I wans't that nervous about the singing because I had known the songs since I was 7, but singing to tell a story, with barely any words, that is a challenge. That's why I have such a fascination in musicals.

The amount of emotion and facial expressions you need to use in order to make something seem real. Acting certainly wasn't easy and I had been doing it since I was 9. This role had such a emphasis and such an amazing character to play.

I wanted to be able to portray Mimi really well in Rent. I had first seen the play officially when I was older but my mother used to always play the songs around the house and I loved to sing and dance along to them.

The play itself was on the dark side and definitely more mature material but I felt like I was ready to take on this part in high school. It would be hard to compete against seniors or juniors but I knew I could if I really did try.

Even though I know in my heart, I could get it, I was still really stressed over it. I sat down and ran through the same scene about twenty times.

I could not get it down.

A few seconds later a knock came to the door. I swung it open and Jacob was standing there.

"Hello beautiful." He said while pecking my lips.

"Hi babe. I'm sorry that I am a mess, I just can't seem to get down the scene that I need for my audition." I said to him.

I wrapped myself in his arms and was really upset I couldn't get it down. Everything else was smooth but this one scene, it was challenging and a good amount too.

The part had no acting because it was actually singing but I still had to portray a lot of deep emotions.

"Babe why are you so tense?" Jacob asked me while rubbing my shoulders.

"Because, I really want to nail this audition and blow it out of the water, but I can't get this part down." I said back to Jacob.

"Which one?"

I pointed to the scene and suggests "I'll step in as Roger and you pretend it is like the first time we met. Maybe if you remember that emotion you can portray it better when auditioning with the other person too."

"Ya I think I can try that."

I handed Jacob my copy since I had everything memorized already.

"I'm going to start here." I informed him.

He nodded his head and I started to sing

"We could light the candle..."

Jacob blatantly blows out the candle as directed and I keep going

"What'd you do with my candleeee?"

"That was my last match." Jacob sang perfectly on key.

"Our eyes'll adjust, thank God for the moon." I sang back to him.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now