Imagine #18- I Never Liked Fighting

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Matt's P.O.V.

"What is this even about Nicole?" I harshly said back to my girlfriend. We were fighting again and I was sick of it. She did not have a good reason and I was done with this week. We were getting along so well because I finally came back from tour and all of the sudden, boom! She was so pissed off at me for a reason I do not know.

"You have been totally oblivious to all the shit that's happened since you left. While your fans were basking in your glory they were raining me with insults. And your job is to hug and hold attractive girls all day and I feel like I get as much attention as these girls. So I as your girlfriend have to start paying for a hug or piggyback now too? How much will it be? I am done feeling like I have to fight extremely hard for my boyfriend's attention." I said and my eyes were filling with tears. 

"That is not true Nicole. You are just finding another excuse to yell at me for no reason. I can't deal with all of this right now, I have a lot of stress going on." I said to her. 

Her eyes got as big as the sun and she snapped at me. "You have stress? What about people who live in the real world, who have school work and have a bunch of people giving them so much hate and applying for schools and so much more. You do not even know the half of it for me my dear. If you can't handle it neither can I." Nicole headed towards the door and whammed it shut. 

Nicole's P.O.V.

I closed the car door and put the keys into the ignition. Matt was not coming out so I backed up and sped away. I saw him in my rear view mirror but he could not change my mind that fast. I drove away and tears were filling my lap. It was very dark since it was late and the winter. The fact that I was crying did not make it any better. I kept driving and my phone was going off constantly. I looked for one second and kept focusing, all I wanted to do was get home. I was looking forward and out of nowhere and a car hit me from the back. 

Everything went black and my last thought was Matt I need you. i woke up in a hospital bed and Matt was looking over my body.

Matt's P.O.V.

"Hi Matt, how are you?" She said to me. 

"I am good thank you, is everything alright with Nicole. I did not really realize how much she did not feel appreciated and I am so sorry to her about that..I just I wish.." I said before being cut off by her mother. 

"Matt, Nicole got into a car accident. She was hit by a driver that was speeding behind her." She said to me in a depressed voice. 

I dropped to the floor and burst into tears. I could not believe I let my baby get so hurt. The pain was exploding in my chest and i rushed to the hospital. I burst through the entrance and got her parents permission to go see her.

I walked through the door and  saw her there lying on the bed. She was hooked up to a big monitor and plenty of her bodily functions were showed on the screen. Nicole looked so serene in her sleep but she was in a partial coma from the impact. I felt like it was all my fault and I was so pissed that this happened because of me. 

I stayed in the hospital for 4 days in a row. I slept right next to her each night and just held her hand through out the day. I would talk to her and post pictures of my baby. I even tweeted everyone about how they could hate me all they wanted but if they ever said something about me, they truly did not support me. She was exactly like me but still different in so many ways. She made me happier than any other girlfriend and made all the other girls in the world seem gone. 

It was the fourth day I had been there and I was playing her favorite song. Soon I started to serenade her myself and soon the words were barely audible over my cries. My eyes had massive bags, I barely slept, and I could not stop thinking about how I had to see my baby again. Just as I finished I saw her eyelashes flutter open to reveal her beautiful hazel eyes I had been dying to see.

Nicole's P.O.V. 

I smiled and started to talk. Matt went to the doorway and said "Everyone! My girl is awake." My heart beat faster to the sound of his voice. I had missed that since the last time I saw him which was probably last night. I giggled at him and he skipped back over. 

"I'm glad you are finally awake, Nicole." Matt said while kissing my hand. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You were in a coma for four days. I missed you so much Nicole. Not hearing your sweet voice telling a story or your really loud sneezes or seeing your ravishing eyes. It's all my fault you are hear. If I did not be such an ass and fight with you when you were so upset, I would not have worried about never seeing the light in your eyes again or even hearing you talking again." Matt started to hiccup since he was emotional and I kissed his forehead. 

"Matt, you were not the reason I left mainly, this is not your fault okay? Don't ever blame your awesome self for something a stupid driver did to me. I am alright now and I know you are sorry. I can't live without you Matt and I apologize for the way I acted too. I did take out some extra anger on you." I stated back before my family came in. 

He was holding my hand and my doctor said I could leave in two days. They needed to run some test to make sure everything was alright and I would be okay to go back home. 

" I love you way too much to lose you Nicole." Matt said to me. 

"I love you more to the fridge and back, my little dinosaur." I replied to my dirty blonde. 

He carefully kissed my lips and our foreheads were pressed against each other. I looked into his eyes and saw something I never noticed. 

Matt Espinosa, by the way his eyes looked at me, would be my forever. And forever with him was priceless, nothing could replace him.

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