Imagine #43- Fairytales Aren't Fake, They Are Just Different In Life

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Jazmine's P.O.V.

When I was young, my mom would always read fairy tales and I would ask if my life could be like a princesses. She would always say that "You will find your prince he just might not be who you expected or dressed in a suit."

Today my friend, Matt, and I were going to the mall to just walk around while his girlfriend was at work. I had liked Matt for a few months now and was a little jealous of his girlfriend.

She was gorgeous with a really good body and she was definitely really popular. All the guys would talk about her and she was a great person. I was happy Matt had such a fantastic person to date. I did wish it was me but Matthew was very content and that's all I wanted for him.

She worked at the mall in Hollister so Matt wanted to surprise her at one point.

Matt and I stopped at a Pretzel Place and got some Pretzel Bites. We looked in some stores and talked a lot. We had been getting closer lately. His girlfriend was busy often so he wanted to hang out whenever he wasn't with her.

That made me feel really special.

Matt and I stopped at Dunkin Donuts. I got a small black coffee and he got a French vanilla iced coffee with milk.

We walked over to Yogibo and rested in there for awhile.

"Hey Matt,wanna go see Ariel now?" I asked him.

"Ya let's go! I think she gets a few minutes off in a bit." Matt looked really happy so I pulled him to the escalator.

We hurriedly raced to Hollister and ran inside. Ariel wasn't there?

"Hi were looking for Ariel, is she here?" Matt asked the manager.

"No, she just took her break. I think she's going to the food court.Your her boyfriend right?" He asked.

"Oh, yea I am. How did you know?"

"She talks about you all the time, David this and David that."

"I'm not David, I'm Matt, are you sure were talking about Ariel?"

"Oh, sorry um I thought she was dating David, Jenny is actually, sorry for the mix-up they just always are going on about David or Matt so I get confused." The manager was looking down and taking very fast.

It didn't sound right, but I brushed it off, I don't know who half the people in my school are dating they talk about it so much. It was weird though.

I saw Jenny walk up to the manager and he was explaining something to her, she made a face and rushed back to the sales section.

What the hell was going on?

I caught up with Matt and we rushed to the food court. She wasn't there.

We looked all through the bottom floor and got halfway through the top.

I was ahead of Matt and I turned around to Icing. I saw Ariel. And I wasn't happy.

I ran back to Matt. "I haven't seen her this way let's go check near the make up store again."

"I already did, this is the only place she can be Jazmine! Let me go look."

He pushed past me and saw Ariel. His face made this look I had never seen before. He was heartbroken.

"Arie? What are you doing?" He asked rushing towards her.

I turned the corner and sat down in a chair.

"He just started getting all over me Matt. Weirdo!" She told him, I saw right through her.

"You asked me to meet you here at 3 Ariel." He said.

"Ariel, why are you kissing Kyle?"

"Well Matt, when we first started dating I wasn't over David so I started secretly meeting with him. And I've been trying to stop but it's hard because I really like you both. But I met Kyle a week ago and I couldn't resist. I can't lose any of you, I want you all."

What a fucking brat, ran through my head about 17 times in 3 seconds.

"Ariel, I thought you were committed to me, I really liked you and didn't go off with other girls because my feelings for you were meaningful. Clearly I'm meaningless to you and your heart. You're a lying bitch. And now I feel awful. I wasn't just having sex with you, I was having sex with all your past boyfriends and the people you cheated on me with. I'm done, you're a little brat, and I don't want to deal with a child."

Matt's face was red and everyone around heard him. I grabbed his hand and he grabbed mine. I pulled him into the bathroom.

Matt hugged me and started crying into my shoulder.

"I tried so hard for her. I got her her favorite things for Valentine's day, I always told her how good she looked and everything! I even really tried to do what I could, I lost my virginity to her, and I was so worried because she lost hers like in kindergarten. I didn't think I deserved to be cheated on."

I wiped a tear off his face.

"Matt, you deserve everything good in the universe. She doesn't know what love is, she's too caught up in everybody wanting her. I know there's people who will care for you and love you with all there heart."

Ya? Like who Jaz?"

"Me! Okay, Matt? I have liked you for a few  months now but I hid my feelings. You were dating Ariel and you really cared for her, I couldn't stop that to be selfish. It was wrong. I need you to know, I liked you, I can't stand seeing you with other people and it's so an..."

Matt's lips were pressed against mine. The feeling was amazing. I had waited to be kissed by him. It was like training for a marathon and then finally crossing the finish line. His lips were soft against mine, and this feeling I had never felt before came over me. My mind was flooded with joy and every other  emotion there was.

He stopped and smiled at me. He slid his thumb over my cheek and started to speak.

"I was always looking for someone I thought I could love. I thought Ariel was the one but I didn't realize the one that would give most care and attention would be my best friend. You Jaz, it was always you."

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